   I'm not new to ssh and all, but this one doesn't make sense. I'm messing 
around with
getting a set of hardware together for a move, and in the process ended up 
with rsync
errors because of host keys.  So... I removed the hostkey on the weewx end 
and was
able to ssh without a password to the NAS.  Still got the error, so checked 
the reverse
direction, which also had a problem, so corrected that.  Rechecked both 
directions this
morning (by hand) and no problems. *Still* weewx is failing rsync because 
of host key
errors.  Any more ideas.

pivue:~> sudo grep rsync /var/log/syslog | tail
Aug 21 06:25:16 pivue weewx[9927]: rsyncupload: [['rsync', '--archive', 
'--stats', '-e ssh', '/home/weewx/public_html/', 
'weewx<at>filer2.csrhome.home:/volume1/web/vueweather']] reported errors: 
Host key verification failed.. rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 
bytes received so far) [sender]. rsync error: error in rsync protocol data 
stream (code 12) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.2]
Aug 21 06:25:16 pivue weewx[9927]: rsyncupload: rsync executed in 0.30 
pivue:~> ssh filer2

weewx@filer2:~$ ssh pivue.csrhome.home
Linux pivue 4.19.42+ #1219 Tue May 14 21:16:38 BST 2019 armv6l

Last login: Wed Aug 21 06:25:40 2019 from

Thx, Chris

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