I have weewx getting data from my BloomSky SKY-2/STORM, and most of the 
time it seems to work pretty well. However, the last few days have been 
decidedly not sunny, and the STORM's solar panel has not managed to put
sufficient charge into its battery to lastthe night. When the STORM's 
battery gives out it stops sending data, and I start seeing the 
following in my logs:

Nov 25 19:25:49 host weewx[7451]: engine: 2019-11-25 19:25:49 UTC
(1574709949) LOOP value 'windSpeed' 22367.1815775 outside limits (0.0,
Nov 25 19:28:20 host weewx[7451]: engine: 2019-11-25 19:28:20 UTC
(1574710100) LOOP value 'windSpeed' 22367.1815775 outside limits (0.0,
Nov 25 19:30:51 host weewx[7451]: engine: 2019-11-25 19:30:51 UTC
(1574710251) LOOP value 'windSpeed' 22367.1815775 outside limits (0.0,

I'm not sure where that 22367.1815775 value is coming from, but it's way 
outside the limits, but it gets put into the database anyway, and I keep 
having to clean the over-high values out and re-build the historical 

Can I do anything to stop out-of-range values from going into the 
database in the first place?

73, Rick, M0LEP

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