On Monday, November 25, 2019 at 12:13:02 PM UTC-8, Rick Hewett wrote:

> I'm not sure where that 22367.1815775 value is coming from, but it's way 
> outside the limits, but it gets put into the database anyway, and I keep 
> having to clean the over-high values out and re-build the historical 
> tables. 
> Can I do anything to stop out-of-range values from going into the 
> database in the first place? 
Those messages say that the [[StdQC]] min/max values in your weewx.conf 
'did' stop them from going into the database, or it should have prevented 

Which version of weewx and did you verify with a db query that they're 
indeed not getting blocked from getting into the db ?

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