Ok so I'm guessing something is still wrong with my wiring/hardware because 
in the log I am getting "Unknown Wind Vane value: 0.0". I'll have to go 
back and look at it again. Random question but for my RJ11 jack even though 
the lines are numbered 1-6, you still pair up to the outside, correct? So 
meaning I have the wind speed on 3  and 4 (the middle 2) and the direction 
on 2 and 5 (to either side of the wind speed wires). Thanks!

On Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 11:20:34 PM UTC-8, mwall wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 2:06:28 AM UTC-5, Pete Deffner wrote:
>> Thank you so much! So everything is working except "windDir: None" every 
>> packet. And in the log file there are no errors. And there is a 5-10 mph 
>> wind right now. Where can I go from here? I've checked that the wiring is 
>> correct and have tried 2 different MCP3008. Anything else I can try? Other 
>> more raw data I can check?
> turn debug up to 11 :)
> do this in your weewx config file:
> debug=1
> ...
> [WS1]
>     ...
>     DEBUG_READ = 3
> then restart weewx, and tail the log file

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