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On Saturday, January 11, 2020 at 1:05:15 PM UTC-5, Paul McGeorge wrote:

> I just changed over from a Lacross Gateway to an Ambient WS-2000 and an 
> ECOWITT GW1000BU.  I loaded the updated interceptor, everything working 
> pretty well with a couple of issues.
>    1. I had to change the mapping in the driver for solarradiation. the 
>    driver mapped solarradiation to solar_radiation but solar_radiation was 
> not 
>    going to radiation in the Database.  I changed Line 2325 from 'radiation': 
>    'radiation', to 'radiation': 'solar_radiation', and that fixed the issue.  
>    Is there a way to do this in weewx.conf?  I did try adding a sensor map in 
>    wwewx.conf, but it wants the whole map not just the one override so I went 
>    back to my changed driver.  I also fixed the spelling for yearlyrain on 
>    line 2356.
>    2. I have 3 unrecognized parametes for my Air Quality they are: sensor 
>    pm25_ch1 , pm25batt1 and pm25_avg_24h_ch1.  I can add then to the 
>    ignore list for now, but need to figure out a place for the data in the DB 
>    and then I can use it.
> Here is my data dump..
> raw data: PASSKEY=XXXX&stationtype=GW1000B_V1.5.5&dateutc=2020-01-11+15:47
> :05&tempinf=68.4&humidityin=31&baromrelin=30.047&baromabsin=25.670&tempf=
> 26.2&humidity=68&winddir=136&windspeedmph=0.00&windgustmph=1.12&
> maxdailygust=12.53&solarradiation=38.53&uv=0&rainratein=0.000&eventrainin=
> 0.000&hourlyrainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.000&weeklyrainin=0.000&
> monthlyrainin=0.000&yearlyrainin=0.000&totalrainin=0.000&pm25_ch1=8.0&
> pm25_avg_24h_ch1=11.4&wh65batt=0&pm25batt1=5&freq=915M&model=GW1000_Pro
> raw packet: {'wind_speed': 0.0, 'humidity_in': 31.0, 'temperature_in': 
> 68.4, 'solar_radiation': 38.53, 'wind_gust': 1.12, 'humidity_out': 68.0, 
> 'uv': 0.0, 'rain': None, 'dateTime': 1578757625, 'pressure': 25.67, 
> 'temperature_out': 26.2, 'wind_dir': 136.0, 'battery_wind': 0.0, 
> 'rain_total': 0.0, 'rain_rate': 0.0, 'usUnits': 1}
> mapped packet: {'pressure': 25.67, 'outHumidity': 68.0, 'UV': 0.0, 
> 'dateTime': 1578757625, 'windDir': 136.0, 'outTemp': 26.2, 'windSpeed': 
> 0.0, 'inHumidity': 31.0, 'inTemp': 68.4, 'windGust': 1.12, 'rain_total': 
> 0.0, 'rainRate': 0.0, 'usUnits': 1}
> THanks for the awesome driver!

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