
The lack of posting to external services (at present) has nothing to do 
with connectivity. If you look at the log your system is not generating any 
archive records, the windy uploader is bound to the NEW_ARCHIVE_RECORD 
event so uploads are only triggered when a new archive record is created. 
Fix the archive record issue and I suspect all will be fine.

I would probably start looking at your archive interval, 100 seconds is 
somewhat unusual. Issue #469 <https://github.com/weewx/weewx/issues/469> 
was raised to deal with 'oddball' archive intervals, but it will not appear 
until 4.0. Whilst your archive interval is not quite 'oddball' by issue 
#469 standards, I would try making it something more conventional like five 
minutes, restart and see if that rectifies the archive record generation 


On Sunday, 12 January 2020 14:46:44 UTC+10, Sean Jahnig wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a different station that i setup about a month ago. This is using 
> an Acurite 5-in-1 with and SDR dongle - no displays involved. The station 
> has been online for the last 1 month with no problems. Today i woke up and 
> the despite everything being online, the data is not being uploaded to 
> windguru and wunderground. Attached is the log file after i set debug to 1.
> *When the station is working, these are the links it broadcasts to:*
> windguru link: https://www.windguru.cz/station/2146 (offline since 3am)
> wunderground link: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/IUMMAL1
> From what i can see, the pi is seeing the sensor and it is collecting the 
> data. What is odd is that when i open from a browser 
> - the reports open but the time at the top shows '12/29/2019 11:25:00 AM' 
> I have tried numerous reboots, no difference.
> When i run 'date' on the pi, the reply is 'Sun 12 Jan 2020 08:44:15 AM +04' 
> and it is accurate.
> When i ping www.google.com i get a reply:
> PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from fjr02s09-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 
> ttl=53 time=5.69 ms
> 64 bytes from fjr02s09-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 
> ttl=53 time=5.24 ms
> Any ideas?

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