hi david,

although python 2.7 works just fine, and will continue to work just fine, 
all new development is done in python3.

we will ensure that weewx4 works with both python2 and python3, but at some 
point there will probably be a version of weewx (weewx5?) that is python3 
only.  at some point it is just too cumbersome to maintain backward 
compatibility - it increases the number of configuration/platform options, 
which results in many more configurations that have to be tested.

although it is possible to run weewx3 reliably on windows using python2.7, 
that requires some hacking.

weewx4 *should* be easier to run on windows, due primarily to the use of 
the python logger instead of syslog.  however, there are still many usb 
issues that must be tested in order to make every weewx extension run 
reliably on windows.  (to a lesser extent this is also true for macosx)

if you want to build a system right now, i would recommend that you use 
weewx3 and python 2.7 on a debian flavor of linux.

when weewx4 comes out (real soon now!) you will be able to upgrade weewx 
with little hassle, then later upgrade to python3 whenever you are ready 
for that step (mostly gated by when the weewx extensions that you need have 
been updated to work with python3).

making weewx4 work on windows will probably happen at some point, but it is 
not a high priority right now.


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