I know just enough to be dangerous, so my techniques can be crude. But here 

I chown'd all the files in the weather34 directory to www-data. Did the 
directory itself, also. Then chmod'd them to 644.. Then tried 755 
All attempts ended in error 500

I'm going to read some more and find some other things to try.


On Monday, March 9, 2020 at 8:25:01 PM UTC-5, Bill Arthur wrote:
> JD
> I thought that the commands that I did would have done that.
> Do you have any suggestions?
> Thanks!
> On Monday, March 9, 2020 at 7:12:07 PM UTC-5, J D wrote:
>> Make sure  the Weather34 directory has the correct permissions and 
>> ownership also.
>> On Monday, March 9, 2020 at 4:41:50 PM UTC-7, Bill Arthur wrote:
>>> I'm putting together a remote weather station using WeeWx and ARPS 
>>> radio. It's a bit of a drive so reliability is very important to me. For 
>>> that reason I've installed the ramdisk according to the WeeWx manual. But 
>>> I'm having problems because I also want to use Weather34 on my home station.
>>> I installed WeeWx, PHP, Apache and Weather34. Everything is working, the 
>>> default WeeWx html page and the Weather34 html & PHP page.
>>> Then I installed the ramdisk. I confirmed the path was correct in the 
>>> weewx and apache configs. The WeeWx default page works great.
>>> The weather34 files are in the correct location 
>>> /var/weewx/reports/weather34. I can bring up stationinfo.php and 
>>> easyW34SkinSetup.php OK.
>>> But /var/weewx/reports/weather34/index.php has write permission 
>>> problems. I get:
>>> *Unable to write to the website's folder. Make sure the root of the 
>>> website is writable by your webserver.*
>>> *If you're using Apache on linux, Apache should be running as user 
>>> 'www-data' and group 'www-data'. If so, run these commands or adjust them 
>>> for Apache's user:group*
>>> *find . -type d -exec sudo chown www-data:www-data {} \; -exec sudo 
>>> chmod 2775 {} \;*
>>> *and*
>>> *find . -type f -exec sudo chown www-data:www-data {} \; -exec sudo 
>>> chmod 664 {} \;*
>>> *from within the root of your website's folder, probably located in 
>>> '/var/www/example.com/html/pws <http://example.com/html/pws>.'*
>>> *or, do yourself a huge favor and navigate into your 'html' folder and 
>>> use these 3 commands to automatically set the permissions on all files and 
>>> folders created inside it:*
>>> *chmod g+s .*
>>> *setfacl -d -m g::rwx .*
>>> *setfacl -d -m o::rx .*
>>> *After trying the first two commands (2775&664) I then got  a sad face 
>>> and error 500So I rebooted and tried the last three. Done inside 
>>> the reports folder I got the "Unable to write" screen again.I did the three 
>>> commands in the weather34 directory and had the same resultsSo I guess I 
>>> need help getting write premissions correct so that weather34's index.php 
>>> is happy.then I'm going to need a chron event to apply that to files after 
>>> they are created, 10 minutes after bootup.Thanks,Bill*

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