I did a chown and tested:  error 500
I did a chgrp and tested: error 500


On Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 5:11:30 PM UTC-5, J D wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is what I have done on my setup. sudo chown www-data for all files in 
> Weather34 including Weather34 directory. Then sudo chgrp www-data for the 
> same set of files and directories. In my case my Weather34 directory exists 
> in the weewx.
> On Monday, March 9, 2020 at 4:41:50 PM UTC-7, Bill Arthur wrote:
>> I'm putting together a remote weather station using WeeWx and ARPS radio. 
>> It's a bit of a drive so reliability is very important to me. For that 
>> reason I've installed the ramdisk according to the WeeWx manual. But I'm 
>> having problems because I also want to use Weather34 on my home station.
>> I installed WeeWx, PHP, Apache and Weather34. Everything is working, the 
>> default WeeWx html page and the Weather34 html & PHP page.
>> Then I installed the ramdisk. I confirmed the path was correct in the 
>> weewx and apache configs. The WeeWx default page works great.
>> The weather34 files are in the correct location 
>> /var/weewx/reports/weather34. I can bring up stationinfo.php and 
>> easyW34SkinSetup.php OK.
>> But /var/weewx/reports/weather34/index.php has write permission problems. 
>> I get:
>> *Unable to write to the website's folder. Make sure the root of the 
>> website is writable by your webserver.*
>> *If you're using Apache on linux, Apache should be running as user 
>> 'www-data' and group 'www-data'. If so, run these commands or adjust them 
>> for Apache's user:group*
>> *find . -type d -exec sudo chown www-data:www-data {} \; -exec sudo chmod 
>> 2775 {} \;*
>> *and*
>> *find . -type f -exec sudo chown www-data:www-data {} \; -exec sudo chmod 
>> 664 {} \;*
>> *from within the root of your website's folder, probably located in 
>> '/var/www/example.com/html/pws <http://example.com/html/pws>.'*
>> *or, do yourself a huge favor and navigate into your 'html' folder and 
>> use these 3 commands to automatically set the permissions on all files and 
>> folders created inside it:*
>> *chmod g+s .*
>> *setfacl -d -m g::rwx .*
>> *setfacl -d -m o::rx .*
>> *After trying the first two commands (2775&664) I then got  a sad face 
>> and error 500So I rebooted and tried the last three. Done inside 
>> the reports folder I got the "Unable to write" screen again.I did the three 
>> commands in the weather34 directory and had the same resultsSo I guess I 
>> need help getting write premissions correct so that weather34's index.php 
>> is happy.then I'm going to need a chron event to apply that to files after 
>> they are created, 10 minutes after bootup.Thanks,Bill*

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