On Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 11:17:23 AM UTC-7, Patrick Mendiuk wrote:

> I have been running some Weatherflow Sky and Air sensors along with a 
> number of MQTT sensors feeding into one instance of weewx.  I recently 
> added a Tempest sensor and a Vantage 2 Pro ISS.  I am trying to decide if I 
> should setup two additional weewx instances or expand the original 
> database.  I would like to generate comparative data plots and possibly 
> expose the data via CWOP.  Is it possible to generate multiple CWOP output 
> streams from one weewx instance?

I have lots of posts in the WF Field Tester forums there...

WF has asked that folks do not (yet) publicize their Tempest sites to WU or 
the web, as it's still in the beta period

Re: weewx specifically:

   - you can use the extended v4 schema and an updated weewx driver for WF 
   to do it in one weewx instance probably.  Contact the WF driver author for 
   a pointer to his v4-compatible driver.  Basically you'd just define a 
   custom sensor map in weewx.conf, I think.  Untested.
   - you could alternately do weewx-multi and do multiple instances I 
   guess, each with the right driver
   - but that said, I run my Air/Sky WF on a separate pi3 and a separate 
   weewx instance mainly because my Davis is the reference platform for 
   feeding WU/CWOP/PWS and uploading to my internet-facing Lightsail VM on the 
For comparisons, I do it a little differently:

   - my VP2 runs the mqtt extension, feeds mqtt on a pi3plus, which feeds a 
   docker container on an i3 nuc running telegraf, feeding another container 
   running influxdb.   Actually not as complicated as it sounds.  I didn't 
   want to mess with my weewx too much, so I just added mqtt to publish the 
   data and did mqtt=>telegraf=>influxdb like most IoT things do.
   - my WF gear, Air/two-Sky/Tempest get into the same influxdb via a UDP 
   listener that I wrote (details on the WF Forums) that listens for the UDP 
   and publishes directly to influxdb in one step.   That runs as a standalone 
   process on the i3 nuc currently.
   - I have a lot of ds18b20 sensor arduinos also feeding influxdb via some 
   arduino code I wrote that feeds influxdb directly too
   - I have a separate docker container on the i3 nuc running grafana for 
   displays, so I can trivially overlay data from the WF/Davis/Arduino gear 
   all on one display.  Works wonderfully.  Totally hands-off.

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