Fixed it, posting here for future reference,

I downloaded the free tool "DB Browser for SQLite from and had alook at a copy of my databse. It was 
then I realised that the values are stored in imperial, so my rainfall, 
though displaying in mm is reorded in inches.

So reran the below but changed :

update archive set rainRate=NULL where rainRate > 200 (mm) to update 
archive set rainRate=NULL where rainRate > 14 (in)

All worked great, tables already updated.



On Friday, March 27, 2020 at 8:41:01 AM UTC, Muireadach O Connor wrote:
> I followed the guide ( - Spikes 
> in the graph section) on  to clear an anomalous reading after I cleaned my 
> weather station which resulted in a huge rainfall rate reading spike.
> However this morning I see the reading is still there (
> - rainfall rate records table - 
> February 2020).
> I'm running WeeWX on a Raspberry Pi 2.
> Steps taken as per the guide:
> *Stop WeeWX*
> sudo service weewx stop
> *Make a copy of the archive database*
> cp weewx.sdb weewx-YYMMDD.sdb
> *Verify the bad data exist where you think they exist*
> sudo sqlite3 weewx.sdb
> sqlite> select dateTime,rainRate from archive where rainRate > 200; 
> sqlite> (nothing displayed after doing previous command, just sqlite 
> prompt)
> * Remove the bad data by setting to NULL*
> sqlite> update archive set rainRate=NULL where rainRate > 200;
> * Delete the aggregate statistics so that WeeWX can regenerate them 
> without the anomalies*
> sudo wee_database --drop-daily
> *Start WeeWX*
> sudo service weewx start
> I figured that the records would be updated daily so waited until this 
> morning, the day after, to check to see if the records page had updated, 
> did a force refresh to make sure (shift+f5) but still the value reads 
> "Highest Rain Rate 460.8 mm/h 01/02/20 14:20:00"
> Can anyone advise please?
> P.S. what is the correct nomenclature WeeWX or weeWX ?
> Many thanks,
> Muireadach.

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