Pat <> writes:

> The pro is that they don't seem at risk of being purchased and going away. 
> The con is it may not be a good fit for how the skin is being used. 

Two thoughts:

  The situation seems ripe for someone, outside the weewx project, to
  make an API that fronts for all national APIs, so that this aggregated
  API can be consumed by projects.  Basically a library, to do this work
  once.   Easier suggested than accomplished, and may have terms of
  service problems, so could end up being a library.

  Home Assistant has weather integrations.  Besides getting one's own
  weewx data in via mqtt, there are a number of integrations for various
  providers.  I'm using the NWS one, which suits me because I'm in the
  US and their policies seem good.  But there seem to also be services
  with global data.  HA seems like a good source for inspiration and
  knowledge of how to use APIs.
  Some URLS:

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