Keimpe, please see the Wiki article *Understanding paths

On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 9:00 AM Keimpe Bleeker <> wrote:

> Thanks, wee_debug is working!
> pi@Pi4Weewx:/home/weewx $ /home/weewx/bin/wee_debug --info --verbosity=1
> Using verbosity=1, displaying most info
> wee_debug output will be sent to stdout(console)
> Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
> Using database binding 'wx_binding', which is bound to database
> 'archive_sqlite'
> System info
>   Platform:       Linux-4.19.97-v7l+-armv7l-with-debian-10.3
>   Python Version: 3.7.3
> Load Information
>   1 minute load average:  0.01
>   5 minute load average:  0.02
>   15 minute load average: 0.00
> General Weewx info
>   Weewx version 4.0.0 detected.
> Station info
>   Station type: Simulator
>   Driver:       weewx.drivers.simulator
> Driver info
> [Simulator]
>     # This section is for the weewx weather station simulator
>    .....
> But the important wee_config, to change from Simulator to Vantage still
> says:
> pi@Pi4Weewx:/home/weewx $ wee_config --config=/home/weewx/weewx.conf
> bash: wee_config: opdracht niet gevonden
> pi@Pi4Weewx:/home/weewx $
> Op dinsdag 5 mei 2020 17:41:44 UTC+2 schreef Tom Keffer:
>> Oh, one other thing: you said this applies to "all utilities." Example?
>> -tk
>> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 8:39 AM Tom Keffer <> wrote:
>>> OK. That looks normal.  There is no "wee_debug not found" error.
>>> You have to give it something to do. You probably want a --info flag
>>> /home/weewx/bin/wee_debug --verbosity=1 --info
>>> Be sure to read the manual
>>> <>!
>>> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 8:29 AM Keimpe Bleeker <> wrote:
>>>> Wee_debug --verbostity=1 results in help-info:
>>>> pi@Pi4Weewx:/home/weewx $ /home/weewx/bin/wee_debug --verbosity=1
>>>> Usage: wee_debug --help
>>>>        wee_debug --info
>>>>             [CONFIG_FILE|--config=CONFIG_FILE]
>>>>             [--output|--output DEBUG_PATH]
>>>>             [--verbosity=0|1|2]
>>>>        wee_debug --version
>>>> Description:
>>>> Generate a standard suite of system/weewx information to aid in remote
>>>> debugging. The wee_debug output consists of two parts, the first part
>>>> containing
>>>> a snapshot of relevant system/weewx information and the second part a
>>>> parsed and
>>>> obfuscated copy of weewx.conf. This output can be redirected to file
>>>> and posted
>>>> when seeking assistance via forums or email.
>>>> Actions:
>>>> --info           Generate a debug report.
>>>> Options:
>>>>   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
>>>>   --config=CONFIG_FILE  Use configuration file CONFIG_FILE.
>>>>   --info                Generate weewx debug output.
>>>>   --output              Write wee_debug output to DEBUG_PATH. DEBUG_PATH
>>>>                         includes path and file name. Default is
>>>>                         /var/tmp/weewx.debug.
>>>>   --verbosity=N         How much detail to display, 0-2, default=1.
>>>>   --version             Display wee_debug version number.
>>>> wee_debug will attempt to obfuscate obvious personal/private
>>>> information in
>>>> weewx.conf such as user names, passwords and API keys; however, the user
>>>> should thoroughly check the generated output for personal/private
>>>> information
>>>> before posting the information publicly.
>>>> pi@Pi4Weewx:/home/weewx $
>>>> Or for wee_config ends in:
>>>> pi@Pi4Weewx:/home/weewx $ pi@Pi4Weewx:/home/weewx $
>>>> bash: pi@Pi4Weewx:/home/weewx: Bestand of map bestaat niet
>>>> pi@Pi4Weewx:/home/weewx $
>>>> NL > EN: Bestand of map bestaat niet > File or directory doesn't exist)
>>>> Op dinsdag 5 mei 2020 16:52:09 UTC+2 schreef Tom Keffer:
>>>>> OK. So, you're telling me that running a program
>>>>> /home/weewx/bin/wee_debug, that clearly exists in a directory listing,
>>>>> results in an error "wee_debug not found". That doesn't make sense.
>>>>> I'd like to see the actual console output. Run the command, then copy
>>>>> and paste from the console output into your post. DO NOT TAKE A 
>>>>> Just highlight the resultant text, right click, select "Copy", then paste
>>>>> into your post.
>>>>> -tk
>>>>> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 7:41 AM Keimpe Bleeker <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> See attached screenshot, all the necessary files and folders, as it
>>>>>> appears.
>>>>>> Op dinsdag 5 mei 2020 14:16:42 UTC+2 schreef Tom Keffer:
>>>>>>> So, what is in /home/weewx/bin?
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 5:10 AM Keimpe Bleeker <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sorry, typo... use the command exactly as you mentioned.
>>>>>>>> Op dinsdag 5 mei 2020 14:02:12 UTC+2 schreef Tom Keffer:
>>>>>>>>> Keimpe
>>>>>>>>> Trying to clarify what you tried. You said you tried 'sudo / home
>>>>>>>>> / weewx / bin / wee_debug verbosity = 1'  Is that a typo, or did you
>>>>>>>>> literally type that? There should not be spaces in there. I should be
>>>>>>>>> something like
>>>>>>>>> /home/weewx/bin/wee_debug --verbosity=1
>>>>>>>>> Or, maybe it was just a typo. Let us know.
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 4:47 AM Keimpe Bleeker <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tom, All,
>>>>>>>>>> From December I had Weewx V3 with Belchertown running on the
>>>>>>>>>> Simulator without any problems. Because of the import of the 
>>>>>>>>>> Wunderground
>>>>>>>>>> history I have been waiting for the transition from WeatherDisplay &
>>>>>>>>>> WordPerss to Weewx to V4.
>>>>>>>>>> I've been fiddling for days now to get things going; tried
>>>>>>>>>> upgrading from V3 (/etc/weewx/ ...) to V4, of course with all the 
>>>>>>>>>> Python
>>>>>>>>>> prerequisites and the method but without success. I cleaned 
>>>>>>>>>> up the
>>>>>>>>>> RPi from A to Z and tried the standard installation without any 
>>>>>>>>>> changes in
>>>>>>>>>> the Setup.cfg but no success.
>>>>>>>>>> Today I made a fresh start with a clean RPi and Weewx installed
>>>>>>>>>> by default in /home/weewx/. Weewx seems to run well -basic skin, 
>>>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>>> Belchertown-, but now the utilities don't work: 'sudo / home / weewx 
>>>>>>>>>> / bin
>>>>>>>>>> / wee_debug verbosity = 1' results in 'sudo: wee_debug: command not 
>>>>>>>>>> found'.
>>>>>>>>>> This applies to all utillities. I only have one thing left for 
>>>>>>>>>> Weewx: HELP!
>>>>>>>>>> One problem with Belchertown is that Cheetah can't find the
>>>>>>>>>> /home/weewx/var/www/html/weewx/json/darksky_forecast.json and that's 
>>>>>>>>>> right,
>>>>>>>>>> the file is not there. So also here: HELP!
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for any suggestion.
>>>>>>>>>> Regards, Keimpe
>>>>>>>>>> After running since Decemwaiting for V4
>>>>>>>>>> Op donderdag 30 april 2020 19:09:47 UTC+2 schreef Tom Keffer:
>>>>>>>>>>> After months of waiting, Version 4 has finally arrived! The
>>>>>>>>>>> major new feature is that WeeWX will not run under either Python 2 
>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>> Python 3.
>>>>>>>>>>> It took a long time to get the packaging right but now, thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> to Matthew Wall, WeeWX is easier than ever to install. Be sure to 
>>>>>>>>>>> read the
>>>>>>>>>>> installation instructions for your specific operating system
>>>>>>>>>>> <>. As always, a install
>>>>>>>>>>> method is also supported.
>>>>>>>>>>> Generally, the package installers will use Python 3, if its
>>>>>>>>>>> available. On older systems, the installers will use Python 2.
>>>>>>>>>>> CHANGE LOG
>>>>>>>>>>> Ported to Python 3. WeeWX should now run under Python 3.5 and
>>>>>>>>>>> greater, as well
>>>>>>>>>>> as Python 2.7. Support for Python 2.5 and 2.6 has been dropped.
>>>>>>>>>>> New facility for creating new user-defined derived types. See
>>>>>>>>>>> the Wiki article
>>>>>>>>>>> WeeWX now uses the Python 'logging' facility. This means log,
>>>>>>>>>>> formats, and other
>>>>>>>>>>> things can now be customized. Fixes issue #353.
>>>>>>>>>>> Strings appearing in the data stream no longer cause a TypeError
>>>>>>>>>>> if they can be
>>>>>>>>>>> converted to a number.
>>>>>>>>>>> Strings can now be accumulated and extracted in the
>>>>>>>>>>> accumulators, making it
>>>>>>>>>>> possible to include them in the database schemas.
>>>>>>>>>>> The utility wee_reports now loads services, allowing it to use
>>>>>>>>>>> user-supplied
>>>>>>>>>>> extensions. Fixes issue #95.
>>>>>>>>>>> New default schema ("wview_extended") that offers many new
>>>>>>>>>>> types. The old schema
>>>>>>>>>>> is still supported. Fixes issue #115.
>>>>>>>>>>> Optional, more flexible, way of specifying schemas for the daily
>>>>>>>>>>> summaries. The
>>>>>>>>>>> old way is still supported.
>>>>>>>>>>> The install process now offers to register a user's station with
>>>>>>>>>>> The package MySQL-python, which we used previously, is not
>>>>>>>>>>> always available on
>>>>>>>>>>> Python 3. Ported the MySQL code to use the package mysqlclient
>>>>>>>>>>> as an
>>>>>>>>>>> alternative.
>>>>>>>>>>> The default for WOW no longer throttles posting frequency (the
>>>>>>>>>>> default used to
>>>>>>>>>>> be no more than once every 15 minutes).
>>>>>>>>>>> Added new aggregate types minsum, minsumtime, sum_le. PR #382.
>>>>>>>>>>> Unit group group_distance is now a first-class group.
>>>>>>>>>>> Added new tag $python_version.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ported to Python2-PyMySQL package on OpenSUSE.
>>>>>>>>>>> Added new aggregation types 'first' (similar to 'last'), 'diff'
>>>>>>>>>>> (the difference
>>>>>>>>>>> between last and first value in the aggregation interval), and
>>>>>>>>>>> 'tderiv' (the
>>>>>>>>>>> difference divided by the time difference).
>>>>>>>>>>> Created new unit group 'group_energy2', defined as watt-seconds.
>>>>>>>>>>> Useful for high
>>>>>>>>>>> resolution energy monitors.
>>>>>>>>>>> An observation type known to the system, but not in a record,
>>>>>>>>>>> will now return a
>>>>>>>>>>> proper ValueTuple, rather than UnknownType.
>>>>>>>>>>> Type "stormStart" was added to the unit system. Fixes issue #380.
>>>>>>>>>>> Added new aggregation type 'growdeg'. Similar to 'heatdeg', or
>>>>>>>>>>> 'cooldeg', it
>>>>>>>>>>> measures growing degree-days. Basically, cooldeg, but with a
>>>>>>>>>>> different base.
>>>>>>>>>>> Fixes issue #367. Thanks to user Clay Jackson for guidance!
>>>>>>>>>>> Ported OS uptime to OpenBSD. Fixes issue #428. Thanks to user
>>>>>>>>>>> Jeff Ross!
>>>>>>>>>>> Catch SSL certificate errors in uploaders. Retry after an hour.
>>>>>>>>>>> Fixes issue
>>>>>>>>>>> #413.
>>>>>>>>>>> Wunderfixer has been ported to the new WU API. This API requires
>>>>>>>>>>> an API key,
>>>>>>>>>>> which you can get from the WU. Put it in weewx.conf. Added
>>>>>>>>>>> option --upload-only.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks to user Leon Shaner! Fixes issues #414 and #445.
>>>>>>>>>>> Wee_import can now import Weather Display monthly log files.
>>>>>>>>>>> Fixed problem where sub-sections DegreeDays and Trend were
>>>>>>>>>>> located under the
>>>>>>>>>>> wrong weewx.conf section. Fixes issue #432. Thanks to user mph
>>>>>>>>>>> for spotting
>>>>>>>>>>> this!
>>>>>>>>>>> Added new parameters to the Weather Underground uploader. Fixes
>>>>>>>>>>> issue #435.
>>>>>>>>>>> Added new air quality types pm1_0, pm2_5, and pm10_0 to the unit
>>>>>>>>>>> system. Added
>>>>>>>>>>> new unit microgram_per_meter_cubed. Added new unit group,
>>>>>>>>>>> group_concentration.
>>>>>>>>>>> Plist for the Mac launcher now includes a log file for stderr.
>>>>>>>>>>> Night-day transition in plots now uses shortest travel distance
>>>>>>>>>>> around color
>>>>>>>>>>> wheel to minimize extra colors. Fixes issue #457. Thanks to user
>>>>>>>>>>> Alex Edwards!
>>>>>>>>>>> Fixed bug that causes plots to fail when both min and max are
>>>>>>>>>>> zero. Fixes issue
>>>>>>>>>>> #463.
>>>>>>>>>>> Fixed problem with sqlite driver that can lead to memory growth.
>>>>>>>>>>> See PR #467.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks to user Rich Bell!
>>>>>>>>>>> Fixed bug that caused windrun to be calculated wrongly under
>>>>>>>>>>> METRICWX unit
>>>>>>>>>>> system. Fixes issue #452.
>>>>>>>>>>> If a bad value of 'interval' is encountered in a record, the
>>>>>>>>>>> program will simply
>>>>>>>>>>> ignore it, rather than stopping. Address issue #375.
>>>>>>>>>>> Change in how the archive timespan is calculated in the engine.
>>>>>>>>>>> This allows
>>>>>>>>>>> oddball archive intervals. Fixes issue #469.
>>>>>>>>>>> NOAA reports are now more tolerant of missing data. Fixes issue
>>>>>>>>>>> #300.
>>>>>>>>>>> Use of strftime() date and time format codes in template file
>>>>>>>>>>> names is now
>>>>>>>>>>> supported as an alternative to the legacy 'YYYY', 'MM' and 'DD'.
>>>>>>>>>>> The legacy
>>>>>>>>>>> codes continue to be supported for backwards compatibility.
>>>>>>>>>>> Fixes issue #415.
>>>>>>>>>>> New --calc-missing action added to wee_database to calculate and
>>>>>>>>>>> store derived
>>>>>>>>>>> observations.
>>>>>>>>>>> wee_import now calculates missing derived observations once all
>>>>>>>>>>> imported data
>>>>>>>>>>> has been saved to archive. Fixes issue #443.
>>>>>>>>>>> wee_import now tolerates periods that contain no source data.
>>>>>>>>>>> Fixes issue #499.
>>>>>>>>>>> wee_import now accepts strings representing cardinal,
>>>>>>>>>>> intercardinal and
>>>>>>>>>>> secondary intercardinal directions in CSV imports. Partially
>>>>>>>>>>> fixes issue #238.
>>>>>>>>>>> The field delimiter character may now be defined for wee_import
>>>>>>>>>>> CSV imports.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ignore historical records if the timestamp is in the future.
>>>>>>>>>>> Can now recover from MariaDB-specific database connection error
>>>>>>>>>>> 1927.
>>>>>>>>>>> Changed the name of the unit "litre" to "liter", making its
>>>>>>>>>>> spelling more
>>>>>>>>>>> consistent with "meter". The spelling "litre" is still accepted.
>>>>>>>>>>> Systemd type changed from "simple" to "forking". Thanks to user
>>>>>>>>>>> Jaap de Munck
>>>>>>>>>>> for figuring this one out!
>>>>>>>>>>> The configuration file is now an optional argument when running
>>>>>>>>>>> weewxd directly.
>>>>>>>>>>> This means most users will be able to use the simple command
>>>>>>>>>>> line 'sudo weewxd'.
>>>>>>>>>>> Use correct log path for netbsd and openbsd in logger setup.
>>>>>>>>>>> StdWXCalculate no longer calculates anything by default.
>>>>>>>>>>> Instead, types to be
>>>>>>>>>>> calculated must be listed in weewx.conf. See the Upgrade Guide.
>>>>>>>>>>> install no longer saves the old 'bin' subdirectory.
>>>>>>>>>>> Instead, it simply
>>>>>>>>>>> overwrites it.
>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
>>>>>>>>>> send an email to
>>>>>>>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> .
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