Hi Jarda,

I'm not sure whats happening here.  time: 1589649000 is 2020/05/16 17:10:00.
That looks like the current time ?  What the weewx engine does is look in 
the database for the time of the latest record and then 
calls genStartupRecords in the driver to retrieve any missing records from 
that time.
The "genStartupRecords: yielding" says its found one.  I don't know why the 
weewx engine would reject that (possibly as its the same time)

Are you writing to the same database that you used for your normal console 
?  That might explain it.

Hope this helps


On Saturday, 16 May 2020 16:36:15 UTC+1, Jarda Uher wrote:
> Hi Bob.
> I tested retrieving data from a disconnected console, but the data does 
> not appear on the graphs.
>  (see message:
> *May 16 17:18:02 jardaCQ58 weewx[8033] DEBUG user.ws6in1: got time: 
> 1589649000*
> *May 16 17:18:02 jardaCQ58 weewx[8033] DEBUG user.ws6in1: 
> genStartupRecords: yielding*
> *May 16 17:18:02 jardaCQ58 weewx[8033] WARNING weewx.engine: ignore 
> historical record: {'usUnits': 16, 'dateTime': 1589649000.0, 'inTemp': 
> 23.6, 'inHumidity': 35, 'outTemp': 18.8, 'outHumidity': 37, 'dayRain': 0.0, 
> 'hourRain': 0.0, 'rain': 0.0, 'windSpeed': 0.0, 'windGust': 0.0, 'windDir': 
> 143, 'pressure': 1002, 'barometer': 1003, 'UV': 0, 'dewpoint': 3.7, 
> 'extraHumid1': 60, 'extraHumid2': None, 'extraHumid3': None, 'extraHumid4': 
> None, 'extraHumid5': None, 'extraHumid6': None, 'extraHumid7': None, 
> 'extraTemp1': 15.7, 'extraTemp2': None, 'extraTemp3': None, 'extraTemp4': 
> None, 'extraTemp5': None, 'extraTemp6': None, 'extraTemp7': None, 
> 'interval': 300.0}*
> *May 16 17:18:02 jardaCQ58 weewx[8033] DEBUG user.ws6in1: gettint time)*
>  Weewx but otherwise works normally and sends the current data in order.
> Thanks
> Jarda

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