Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf

Interrogating GW1000 at

GW1000 live sensor data: absbarometer: 1006.2, datetime: 1595765980, 
daymaxwind: 8.4, gustspeed: 0.7, inhumid: 76, intemp: 20.7, light: 24226.0, 
outhumid: 82, outtemp: 19.7, rainday: 10.2, rainevent: 10.2, rainmonth: 83.9
, rainrate: 0.0, rainweek: 10.2, rainyear: 85.7, relbarometer: 1008.4, uv: 
49.1, uvi: 1, winddir: 27.4, windspeed: 0.3

solar radiation acutally is
853 W/m²

Sorry, I forgot


Am Sonntag, 26. Juli 2020 10:18:52 UTC+2 schrieb NanoG5Kite:
> Several samples posted on Github.... seems to be e.g. uv: 9.1 x 10 = 
> 91,9w/m²
> Matthias
> Am Sonntag, 26. Juli 2020 10:00:15 UTC+2 schrieb gjr80:
>> Can you please issue the following two commands(assuming a 
>> install) and post the console output and (WeeWX) log output from each:
>> $ PYTHONPATH=/home/weewx/bin python -m user.gw1000 --debug=3 --sensors
>> $ PYTHONPATH=/home/weewx/bin python -m user.gw1000 --debug=3 --live-data
>> If possible, would also help to know what solar radiation value you are 
>> seeing at the time the commands were executed. Also, no need to stop the 
>> interceptor, gw1000 will happily interrogate the GW100 even while the 
>> GW1000 sends to the interceptor. Note you may have to change the python 
>> command to python2 or python3 if WeeWX is set to run under a different 
>> python version to the default on your system.
>> Gary
>> On Sunday, 26 July 2020 17:42:57 UTC+10, Vetti52 wrote:
>>> The setting 'radiation': 'solar_radiation', is copied from 
>>>, which is propagated into radiation in weewx. When changing 
>>> to gw1000 api driver, the data are lost. So I went back to the 
>>> You can see the little gap in the graph during my test of 
>>> the gw1000 driver:
>>> [image: radiation.jpg]
>>> I have changed the title into German in Weewx.conf 
>>> [[[[Generic]]]]
>>>                 radiation = Sonnenstrahlung
>>> So, somewhere the observation type radiation has to be filled with data. 
>>> In, this is done by 'solar_radiation' which comes from 
>>> the ecowitt-customized upload. I would just like to continue with these 
>>> data.
>>> Am Sonntag, 26. Juli 2020 02:13:38 UTC+2 schrieb gjr80:
>>>> Whilst there definitely is nothing in the API for retrieving what WeeWX 
>>>> knows as 'radiation', there is a calibration setting labelled 'SolarRad 
>>>> Gain' in the WS View app (interestingly there is no gain setting for 
>>>> anything to do with 'light', luminosity, illuminance etc so it could be a 
>>>> mis-labelling/inconsistent labelling of the parameter in the app). If you 
>>>> have been obtaining 'radiation' data via the interceptor driver can you 
>>>> please give me some further details, it may be a case of the GW1000 
>>>> deriving a radiation value suitable for on-line weather services such as 
>>>> WU 
>>>> and that is how WeeWX has obtained the 'radiation' data or, more unlikely, 
>>>> it may be that there is something else available in the API that is not 
>>>> documented.
>>>> Gary
>>>> On Sunday, 26 July 2020 08:37:10 UTC+10, gjr80 wrote:
>>>>> On Sunday, 26 July 2020 00:54:03 UTC+10, Vetti52 wrote:
>>>>>> When running reconfigure with prompts, there are two changes, that 
>>>>>> occured in my case without asking:
>>>>>> group_pressure turns to inHg, and group_speed and group_speed2 turn 
>>>>>> to mile_per_hour and ~2 respectively.You better diff old and new 
>>>>>> version before restarting.
>>>>> This almost certainly is an issue with wee_config and your config; 
>>>>> the GW1000 driver has no ability to change WeeWX units/unit system. I do 
>>>>> have a vague recollection that there was a previous issue that was raised 
>>>>> (and fixed) regarding unexpected unit changes (it may have been on 
>>>>> upgrade). I will make a note to look into this.
>>>>>> In addition, 'radiation': 'solar_radiation', is missing in 
>>>>>> default_field_map 
>>>>>> in 
>>>>> This is intentional. Unfortunately the GW1000 API has no ability to 
>>>>> obtain what in WeeWX parlance we know as field radiation (solar 
>>>>> insolation). The API can return what the API terms 'light' or luminosity 
>>>>> in 
>>>>> Lux as well as UV index and what the API terms 'UV' in microWatts per 
>>>>> square metre. Some folks derive field radiation from luminosity 
>>>>> though I believe the relationship is somewhat complex. It's not the place 
>>>>> for the GW1000 driver to derive obs such as radiation from other obs, 
>>>>> rather derived observations should be derived by the StdWXCalculate 
>>>>> service. Whilst the StdWXCalculate service does not really lend 
>>>>> itself at present to the addition of user defined derived obs, a user can 
>>>>> add simple derived obs by adding appropriate entries under [StdCalibrate] 
>>>>> [[Corrections]] in weewx.conf, for example:
>>>>> [StdCalibrate]
>>>>>     [[Corrections]]
>>>>>         new_obs = outTemp * 2.5 + 2 * (windSpeed - barometer)
>>>>> would create the field new_obs using the (nonsense) formula shown. 
>>>>> The default GW1000 driver mapping passes the light, UV and UV index 
>>>>> observations through to the WeeWX loop packet (UV index is mapped to 
>>>>> WeeWX 
>>>>> field UV) so they are available for use in StdCalibrate as required.
>>>>> Gary

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