Update gets stuck with errors from missing packages
[image: weewx1.jpg]

Jlou 43 schrieb am Dienstag, 4. August 2020 um 23:13:53 UTC+2:

>  Thanks for your reply, but I solved my problem by reinstalling this way:
> 3. Install WeeWX 
> After installing the prerequisites, you can install WeeWX itself.
>    1. 
>    Expand the source archive:
>    tar xvfz weewx-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
>    2. 
>    Change directory into the expanded archive:
>    cd weewx-X.Y.Z
>    3. 
>    To specify an install location different from the default /home/weewx, 
>    modify the parameter home in the setup.cfg file. Mac users will want 
>    to change it to /Users/Shared/weewx. 
>    4. 
>    Then build and install. Python 2 users: substitute python2 for python3. 
>    python3 ./setup.py build
>    sudo python3 ./setup.py install
> I replace python3 by python2 and now everything works perfectly, but if i 
> have to switch to python3 your advice will be helpful.
> Thank you.

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