this is what i'm seeing

pi@raspitest:/var/tmp $ sudo /home/weewx/bin/wee_extension 
Request to install '/var/tmp/HP1000-master/HP1000.tar.gz'
Extracting from tar archive /var/tmp/HP1000-master/HP1000.tar.gz
Saving installer file to /home/weewx/bin/user/installer/HP1000
Finished installing extension '/var/tmp/HP1000-master/HP1000.tar.gz'
pi@raspitest:/var/tmp $ /home/weewx/bin/wee_config --list-drivers

Module name Driver name Version Status
weewx.drivers.acurite AcuRite 0.4
weewx.drivers.cc3000 CC3000 0.40
weewx.drivers.fousb FineOffsetUSB 1.20
weewx.drivers.simulator Simulator 3.2
weewx.drivers.te923 TE923 0.41
weewx.drivers.ultimeter Ultimeter 0.41
weewx.drivers.vantage Vantage 3.2.1
weewx.drivers.wmr100 WMR100 3.5.0
weewx.drivers.wmr200 WMR200 3.5.0
weewx.drivers.wmr300 WMR300 0.33
weewx.drivers.wmr9x8 WMR9x8 3.4.1
weewx.drivers.ws1 WS1 0.41
weewx.drivers.ws23xx WS23xx 0.41
weewx.drivers.ws28xx WS28xx 0.51
On Wednesday, 2 September 2020 at 21:59:38 UTC+1 wrote:

> Apologies for resurrecting an old thread but I'm trying to do a fresh 
> install using the commands listed above, using Weewx 4.1.1 and the HP1000 
> driver is not appearing in the list so it cannot be chosen.  Has anything 
> fundamental changes between the previous and current weewx versions?
> Thanks
> On Tuesday, 15 October 2019 at 19:50:53 UTC+1 wrote:
>> Finally, it's working. 
>> Thanks all for your help.
>> On Tuesday, 15 October 2019 12:51:24 UTC+1, Matt wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> First post.
>>> I got Weewx set up on a brand new Raspberry Pi 3 model B yesterday.  I 
>>> saw that it was posting data but last night most of the data was incorrect 
>>> (e.g. outside temp 0 degrees C when it was actually 10 degrees).  I decided 
>>> to leave it and went to bed.  Today I am seeing better values but all 
>>> readings appear to be summing/appending to the previous reading.  For 
>>> example, the temperature has risen from 0 to around 21 degrees very 
>>> uniformly.  The actual temperature is around 13 degrees.
>>> I have an Aercus station, identical to Fine Offset HP1000.  I have set 
>>> Weewx driver to both 'simulator' and 'Fine Offset' with no change in data.
>>> I read somewhere about an HP1000 driver written by aussie susan but 
>>> editing the daemon file was beyond my capabilities so I couldn't proceed 
>>> with it.
>>> My station can be seen at:
>>> #
>>> I appreciate that I will need to provide logs etc, but I am work at the 
>>> moment and will upload logs later.  I just wanted to get the post up to see 
>>> if anyone had experienced anything similar or has any advice for a newbie.
>>> I love the functionality of weewx and look forward to using it.
>>> Many thanks in advance.
>>> Matt

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