#   This section specifies what reports, using which skins, to generate.

    # Where the skins reside, relative to WEEWX_ROOT
    SKIN_ROOT = /etc/weewx/skins
    # Where the generated reports should go, relative to WEEWX_ROOT
    HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
    # The database binding indicates which data should be used in reports.
    data_binding = wx_binding
    # Whether to log a successful operation
    log_success = True
    # Whether to log an unsuccessful operation
    log_failure = False
    # Each of the following subsections defines a report that will be run.
    # See the customizing guide to change the units, plot types and line
    # colors, modify the fonts, display additional sensor data, and other
    # customizations. Many of those changes can be made here by overriding
    # parameters, or by modifying templates within the skin itself.
        # The SeasonsReport uses the 'Seasons' skin, which contains the
        # images, templates and plots for the report.
        skin = Seasons
        enable = true
        # The SmartphoneReport uses the 'Smartphone' skin, and the images 
        # files are placed in a dedicated subdirectory.
        skin = Smartphone
        enable = false
        HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/smartphone
        # The MobileReport uses the 'Mobile' skin, and the images and files
        # are placed in a dedicated subdirectory.
        skin = Mobile
        enable = false
        HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx/mobile
        # This is the old "Standard" skin. By default, it is not enabled.
        skin = Standard
        enable = true
        enabled = False
        skin = PWS
        HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
                group_pressure = hPa
                group_rain = mm
                group_rainrate = mm_per_hour
                group_speed = km_per_hour
                group_speed2 = km_per_hour2
                group_temperature = degree_C
        skin = StackedWindRose
        enabled = True
        HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
                group_speed = km_per_hour
                group_speed2 = km_per_hour2
                date_f = %d/%m/%Y
                date_time_f = %d/%m/%Y %H:%M
        skin = Testtags
        enabled = True
        HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
                group_altitude = foot
                group_degree_day = degree_F_day
                group_pressure = inHg
                group_rain = inch
                group_rainrate = inch_per_hour
                group_speed = mile_per_hour
                group_speed2 = mile_per_hour2
                group_temperature = degree_F
                date_f = %d/%m/%Y
                date_time_f = %d/%m/%Y %H:%M
        skin = Clientraw
        enabled = True
        HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
                degree_C = %.1f
                degree_compass = %.0f
                foot = %.0f
                hPa = %.1f
                km = %.1f
                knot = %.1f
                mm = %.1f
                percent = %.0f
                uv_index = %.1f
                watt_per_meter_squared = %.0f
                NONE = --
        # FTP'ing the results to a webserver is treated as just another 
        # albeit one with an unusual report generator!
        skin = Ftp
        # If you wish to use FTP, set "enable" to "true", then
        # fill out the next four lines.
        # Use quotes around passwords to guard against parsing errors.
        enable = true
        user = XXX obfuscated by wee_debug XXX
        password = XXX obfuscated by wee_debug XXX
        server = ekyrrgweather.com    # The ftp server name, e.g, 
        path = /ekyrrgweather.com/public_html    # The destination 
directory, e.g., /weather
        # Set to True for an FTP over TLS (FTPS) connection. Not all servers
        # support this.
        secure_ftp = False
        # To upload files from something other than what HTML_ROOT is set
        # to above, specify a different HTML_ROOT here.
        # HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
        # Most FTP servers use port 21
        port = 21
        # Set to 1 to use passive mode, zero for active mode
        passive = 1

On Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 1:40:27 AM UTC-4 gjr80 wrote:

> It all comes down to here WeeWX is placing your generated files and what 
> directory hierarchy is being used. If everything is being lumped in the 
> same single directory then the FTP report cannot discriminate between them. 
> Rather than up playing to and fro perhaps it might be easiest if you post a 
> copy of your weewx.conf and we can work through that. You can obtain a 
> sanitised copy of weewx.conf by running wee_debug 
> <http://weewx.com/docs/utilities.htm#wee_debug_utility>. Before posting 
> the wee_debug report check it for usernames, passwords, API keys etc; 
> wee_debug should obfuscate these but it is not perfect.
> Gary
> On Thursday, 1 October 2020 at 14:19:10 UTC+10 eastcentra...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Here is my website(www.ekyrrgweather.com) and as you can see its 
>> uploading the index.html and its being displayed on my website.  I want to 
>> stop this from happening, but I still want to be able to access this on my 
>> pi which is running my weewx.  What way can I stop the upload of the 
>> index.html and all its graph images but still be able to see this page when 
>> looking up file:///var/www/html/weewx/weewx.html on my pi.  Im sorry for 
>> all the trouble!
>> On Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 9:33:59 AM UTC-4 gjr80 wrote:
>>> The FTP report <http://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#config_FTP> 
>>> uploads everything within and below the HTML_ROOT directory. If there are 
>>> files being uploaded by the FTP report that you don't want uploaded there 
>>> are a few different approaches that can be used to stop the unwanted files 
>>> being uploaded, the two common approaches are:
>>> 1. Stop the generation of the unwanted files by WeeWX. If the .png files 
>>> are WeeWX generated then they may be plot files generated by the WeeWX 
>>> ImageGenerator being run by a skin, in this case you will need to identify 
>>> the skin producing the plots and disable/comment out/remove the 
>>> [ImageGenerator] stanza (or portions of it if you want to keep some of 
>>> the .png files) in the skin config file or you can remove the entry 
>>> weewx.imagegenerator.ImageGenerator from the generator_list setting 
>>> under the [Generators] stanza in the skin config file. If you are using 
>>> WeeWX-WD it is possible the .png files may be windrose images generated by 
>>> the WeeWX StackedWindRoseImageGenerator. In this case you can stop 
>>> generation by setting enable = False under [StdReport] [[
>>> wdStackedWindRose]] in weewx.conf. weewx.conf changes will require a 
>>> WeeWX restart/config reload.
>>> 2. Have whatever is generating the unwanted files save the files to 
>>> another directory. In this case you need to identify the skin that is 
>>> producing the files and set/change the HTML_ROOT setting(s) for the skin 
>>> such that the unwanted files are saved somewhere outside of the HTML_ROOT 
>>> being used by the FTP report.
>>> Remember, HTML_ROOT can be set/overridden in different places with 
>>> weewx.conf; so the HTML_ROOT being used by the FTP report may be 
>>> different to that set  at the top of the [StdReport] stanza which may 
>>> be different to that value used within anther report.
>>> Gary
>>> On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 07:12:56 UTC+10 eastcentra...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> One last problem for now.  I got the FTP to work and it was uploading 
>>>> all the stuff I needed such as the test tags.php, etc.  There was also 
>>>> stuff I didn't want that was being uploaded like a bunch of png's.  How 
>>>> can 
>>>> I only upload the stuff I need for my Saratoga template which is the 
>>>> clientraw stuff and the test tags stuff.  
>>>> On Friday, September 18, 2020 at 9:21:23 PM UTC-4 gjr80 wrote:
>>>>> All WeeWX-WD is a couple of WeeWX services and a number of WeeWX 
>>>>> reports/skins that generate the output. If you want to change where the 
>>>>> reports/skins create their output then yes that is what you need to do. 
>>>>> Have a look at your [StdReport] stanza and the corresponding skins.
>>>>> Gary
>>>>> On Saturday, 19 September 2020 at 11:16:44 UTC+10 
>>>>> eastcentra...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>>> So, Im using weedwd to update my site for the Saratoga template.  Is 
>>>>>> this still how I would do it?
>>>>>> On Friday, September 18, 2020 at 8:54:59 PM UTC-4 gjr80 wrote:
>>>>>>> You can change the location that WeeWX uses to save generated 
>>>>>>> reports by setting the HTML_ROOT config option. HTML_ROOT is set in 
>>>>>>> the [StdReport] stanza in weewx.conf, if you set HTML_ROOT 
>>>>>>> immediately under [StdReport] the setting will apply to all reports 
>>>>>>> but you can override HTML_ROOT for individual reports by setting 
>>>>>>> HTML_ROOT under the report stanza, eg:
>>>>>>> [StdReport]
>>>>>>>     ....
>>>>>>>     HTML_ROOT = public_html
>>>>>>>     ....
>>>>>>>     [[MyReport]]
>>>>>>>         skin = MySkin
>>>>>>>     [[MyOtherReport]]
>>>>>>>         skin = MyOtherSkin
>>>>>>>         HTML_ROOT = public_html/other_report
>>>>>>> Would place the content generated by MyReport in the public_html 
>>>>>>> directory and content generated by MyOtherReport in the 
>>>>>>> public_html/other_report directory.
>>>>>>> HTML_ROOT can be specified as an absolute path or as a relative 
>>>>>>> path. If specified as a relative path the path is relative to the 
>>>>>>> WEEWX_ROOT path specified in weewx.conf.
>>>>>>> If you are using the FTP or RSYNC report to upload to a web server 
>>>>>>> you can also use one or more instances of the FTP or RSYNC report to 
>>>>>>> locate 
>>>>>>> your uploaded files on the web server as required. However, 
>>>>>>> setting/overriding HTML_ROOT is all that is required in most cases.
>>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>>> On Saturday, 19 September 2020 at 04:54:43 UTC+10 
>>>>>>> eastcentra...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ok, now that its been working for a while weewxwd has been updating 
>>>>>>>> to my website.  Its been updating to a WD folder but I want to change 
>>>>>>>> it 
>>>>>>>> where it updates to "public_html" how do I do this?
>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 21, 2020 at 8:51:26 PM UTC-4 Luke Marcum wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Yes it is!
>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 21, 2020 at 12:52:55 AM UTC-4, rich T wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> In the weewx.config file, is your FTP section setup?
>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 21, 2020 at 12:35:51 AM UTC-4, Luke Marcum 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Its out on the internet and I used the Saratoga Template!
>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 21, 2020 at 12:34:54 AM UTC-4, rich T wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it local (on local network) or  out on internet?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 21, 2020 at 12:04:54 AM UTC-4, Luke Marcum 
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, now that Ive finished configuration, how to I get weewx-wd 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to send the testtags file to my website?

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