Hi, I am running weewx on a rpi and was wondering if there is a way to have 
my wind sensor data show up on the weewx weather page.  the anemometer is 
on its own wireless transmitter (id 2) and is currently showing 0 for all 

the rpi is connected to a wireless weather envoy and usb data logger 
(davis)...  my console (in a different location) shows all the sensors data 
on its screen so i know its transmitting.

is there a way to just add the id to the weewx.conf?  or do i have to do 
something else?

Here is how its currently set in weewx.conf

 # The id of your ISS station (usually 1). If you use a wind meter connected
    # to a anemometer transmitter kit, use its id
    iss_id = 1

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