"t...@tom.org" <t...@tom.org> writes:

> Looks like I might have unlocked some secret of the universe because my 
> solar radiation numbers are regularly above the "theoretical max" as shown 
> in the Belchertown skin.

The theoretical max is for sun on a completely clear day.

When there are clouds and the sun goes in and out from behind them, I
see values over theoretical max.  But I never see that when it's clear.

> I see this on two different stations in two different places, so I doubt it 
> is my station.
> Does anyone know how to adjust this max or have another recommendation?

Don't adjust: I suspect it is right.   My recommendation is to accept
that with a cloud edge as a lens, there is a temporary focusing.

Now, actually looking at your data, things are not making sense.   Are
you graphing the max radiation in a 5 min archive interval, or the
average?   Your graphs look peaky and irregular and when looking at
average (non-Belchertown) I tend to see a nice approximation of a sine
wave, on clear-sky days.

Today my measured high radiation was 364 W/m^2 (but I'm down south, at
about 42.5).

527 just doesn't seem right.  I see values like that at times, but
mostly around 250 these days.

Also cross check your console vs weewx.

> Or have I unlocked the secrets of the universe?

I don't see hwo to turn this into a perpetual motion machine.

But you have noticed something that very few people understand.  Maybe
not even me :-)

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