I'm not aware of an end-to-end tutorial for what you're asking.

Given your stated caveats about no experience of building a webserver, nor 
connecting to MQTT, this one might be too much of a lift for your expertise 
level.  There are also lots of security things to think about.   Don't open 
your LAN to Internet traffic please.  Too much risk there almost certainly.

At a minimum look at the weewx Wiki <https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki> for 
more reading.   There are some pages there for possible options for getting 
data into weewx and how to do consolidating multiple sources of information.

But you could build it up incrementally LAN-only and see whether your 
requirements are 'nice to have' or 'need to have' and whether you want to 
spend that much labor on it or not.

   - you can get realtime updates via a weewx-generated website if you 
   install the Belchertown skin and configure the MQTT+websockets features in 
   Belchertown.  There are a huge number of threads here in weewx-users for 
   how to do that.  That would at least get you started.  Very easy to get 
   going LAN-only

   - if you want to combine multiple sources of data into one web, that 
   makes things harder by far, depending on which sources of data you want to 
   aggregate.  You'd need to either use some extension or possibly even write 
   your own.   Many people tend toward MQTT for this.   Ingesting multiple 
   sources of data into weewx is in one of the wiki pages mentioned above.

Once you get it all working LAN-only, you'd then need to get your data onto 
your Internet site.  Just rsync it via weewx.  That part is easy.

If you need the Internet-facing site to have the realtime updates, you'd 
also need to do a MQTT setup on your Internet site, and do 'that' securely. 
  There are folks here who've done that, but it does increase the attack 
surface on your Internet site as you'd now need to do the web 'and' MQTT 

Regardless, you're going to need to devote some time+effort to build 
something like this up, unless there's some non-weewx hardware device that 
can do all that magic.

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