Thx i found the problem in the Source of the Steel Gauges skin. Because 
there was a problem with one Javacripts which is opened with http and not 

br schrieb am Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2021 um 13:53:43 UTC+1:

> I am not familiar with nginx reverseproxy, but with apache reverse proxy, 
> you can have a https website facing the web and a http internal server. 
> The reverse proxy module will take care of fixing the urls and protocol on 
> the fly.
> I imagine that nginx does the same. Is it possible that your html page 
> template has hardlinked url, instead of relative to the source?
> I you look in the console from the browser what error do you get ?
> On Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 10:33:04 AM UTC+1 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I run a weewx installation with Season (default skin) and the steel 
>> gauges skin /ss.
>> All is working well in local environment. But when i want to have SSL 
>> from outside to my internal website.
>> Therefore i install in a docker station nginx reverse proxy with 
>> letsencrypt and want to forward this to SSL.
>> Means nginx can switch external traffic to my local weewx station which 
>> run with local apache2 server.
>> All is working but when i want enable SSL then only the skin /ss cannot 
>> display the gaues only the header and bottom botton is visible. I have no 
>> idea why.
>> I guess this is a issue regaring SSL and javascript or some other issues 
>> in /ss skin. but i have no knowledge about Javascript.
>> When i reconfigure the nginx reverseproxy to use only http not https then 
>> all including the /ss skin is working....
>> I asked already the develover of the SS skin but he mentioned there is an 
>> other problem.
>> Can anybody help me to find out why the /ss skin cannot display on a ssl 
>> access?
>> thx
>> Manfred

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