I have been running a FineOffset WH1080 for a few years with a Raspberry Pi 
2 running Raspbian. Recently I added an Ecowitt GW1000 and have it running 
satisfactorily using this driver https://github.com/gjr80/weewx-gw1000 on 
Ubuntu Core on a Pi 3. 

Last night, having finished a new skin, I tried to transfer the weewx.sdb 
from the old to the new system, thinking (stupidly, hah) that with the same 
versions of WeeWX (4.4.0) it would be compatible. The result:

Mar 17 01:11:27 ubuntu weewx[1844]:  * Starting weewx weather system weewx
Mar 17 01:11:28 ubuntu weewx[1907] INFO __main__: Initializing weewx 
version 4.4.0
Mar 17 01:11:28 ubuntu weewx[1907] INFO __main__: Using Python 3.8.5 
(default, Jan 27 2021, 15:41:15) #012[GCC 9.3.0]
Mar 17 01:11:28 ubuntu weewx[1907] INFO __main__: Platform 
Mar 17 01:11:28 ubuntu weewx[1907] INFO __main__: Locale is 
Mar 17 01:11:28 ubuntu weewx[1907] INFO __main__: PID file is 
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] ERROR __main__: Error parsing config 
file: Parsing failed with several errors.#012First error at line 153. File 
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1844]:    ...done.
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****  Traceback 
(most recent call last):
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****    File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewxd", line 126, in main
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****      
config_path, config_dict = weecfg.read_config(options.config_path, 
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****    File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weecfg/__init__.py", line 176, in read_config
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****      
config_dict = configobj.ConfigObj(config_path,
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****    File 
"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/configobj.py", line 1229, in __init__
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****      
self._load(infile, configspec)
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****    File 
"/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/configobj.py", line 1318, in _load
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****      raise 
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****    File 
"<string>", line None
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****  
configobj.ConfigObjError: Parsing failed with several errors.
Mar 17 01:11:29 ubuntu weewx[1934] CRITICAL __main__:     ****  First error 
at line 153. File /etc/weewx/weewx.conf

I inspected weewx.conf and did't find anything obviously wrong, nor was 
there anything very interesting at line 153 (part of [[wunderground]], all 
commented out).

There must be something I missed. The GW1000 is reporting some extra 
variables so I presume this may be an issue?

I should have run wee_config? I thought just manually editing weex.conf was 
all I needed to do (having read this: 

*Then*: What is the best way to merge two overlapping weewx.sdb databases? 
I think I'm not the only one who would like it to be easier (suggestion not 
a complaint)

I found references here 
<https://groups.google.com/g/weewx-user/c/c8lDKojbHGs/m/v8753on3BQAJ> to a 
file called transfer_db.py, indicated as NOT TESTED, and what followed 
required some tacit knowledge / familiarity with Python and, imo, would 
benefit from some elaboration. 

Alternatively, shouldn't *wee_import* be able to import from another 
weewx.sdb file (ideally with start and end dates)? A straight transfer 
isn't what I want, in any case, as the databases overlap. I know I can go 
figure out what the dateTimes are and could look at using SQL to drop 
records, but I think a convenient default MIGHT be to provide an option like

*merge_db weewx1.sdb weewx2.sdb --output=weewx3.sdb 

I had a quick look at the databases with SQLbrowser 
<https://sqlitebrowser.org/> but didn't do anything with it yet as I don't 
know what I should be expecting to see (I'm happy to manually merge dumped 
SQL records if I can interpret what they are and if I know that the 
database structure is the same/compatible; as it was my first time using 
this I realized I'd prefer, ideally, to have some instructions and perhaps 
one or more plugins, if there's one for displaying dateTimes eg. I haven't 
looked into this further yet--it'll involve a time commitment I'd happily 
avoid for a one-off operation; though SQLbrowser does look potentially 
useful for editing anomalous records however).

Would a simple merge tool be handy for anyone running two stations and 
suffering occasional outages? A wiki page on "Moving to a New Station"? 

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