in the [StdCalibrate] [[Corrections]] stanza in weewx.conf add the line

radiation = luminosity/126.7 if luminosity is not None else None

Then the calculated value will be stored as radiation in the database and you can use it in your reports/skins

On 18.05.2021 21:10, Eric K wrote:
The Acurite Atlas weather sensor provides a UV and a lux value, but not a radiation value. I want to use this formula to calculate solar radiation from the lux sensor in the Acurite Atlas:  radiation = lux * 0.0079

I've been searching the weewx documentation for details and examples of how to create a data value from a calculation. This calculated data will then go into the weewx database, and graphs in the weewx web page.

It looks like the StdWXCalculate section of the weewx.conf file is the place to do this?
Is that correct?

I've been looking for an example of the StdWXCalculate section showing how a user-created formula is included, and I have not found one.

Can someone show an example of including a user-created formula?

Help appreciated.
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