Since you are using Node Red, a possible solution is to use a Change Node 
and delete the payload that you don't want to include in weewx.

On Sunday, November 28, 2021 at 1:41:56 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> I looked more closely at the payload format and I don't think that format 
> is currently supported. specifically the 'nested array'..
> "object":{"err":0,"messages":[{"CO2_Value_PPM":433,"measurementId":4100,"type":"report_telemetry"}]
> Busy time of the year, so not sure when I'll have time to delve into a 
> solution.
> rich
> On Sunday, 28 November 2021 at 12:22:22 UTC-5 wrote:
>> Bob,
>> Since you have a lot of fields that you want to ignore, try setting the 
>> ignore flag to true at the 'topic' level. Also I don’t think you want to 
>> set contains_total.  So you would end up with something like this, 
>>     [[topics]]
>>         [[[application/18/device/2cf7f12122500013/rx]]]
>>             ignore = true
>>     [[[[CO2_Value_PPM]]]]
>>         name = co2
>>                         ignore = false
>> Since the data is published so infrequently, once you get the basic 
>> configuration working, you might want to look into the expires_after 
>> option. This will cache the value between publications. For additional 
>> information see, 
>> rich
>> On Sunday, 28 November 2021 at 11:21:43 UTC-5 wrote:
>>> Thanks for coming back so soon with help Storm and Vince.
>>> I am attaching three things in a .txt file rather than pasting in as the 
>>> format seems messy and I'm not sure how to make it easier to read.
>>> 1.  My modified section of weewx.conf . Among other things, there seems 
>>> to be a problem with float.
>>> 2.  The data sent from the LoRa server when I subscribe 
>>> to applications/18/devices/2cf7f12122500013/rx  (using MQTT-explorer). Lots 
>>> of unneeded things  but it contains the CO2_Value_PPM data.
>>> 3.  A listing of weewx.log in debug mode showing the problems (I hope). 
>>> The data seems to be getting there but is not being parsed out for what I 
>>> need.
>>> Hopefully this will give you an idea of what's going on.  Thanks again 
>>> for your help.
>>> Bob
>>> On Saturday, November 27, 2021 at 5:36:51 PM UTC-5 vince wrote:
>>>> My example:
>>>> [MQTTSubscribeService]
>>>>     enable = True
>>>>     host =
>>>>     port = 1883
>>>>     keepalive = 60
>>>>     username = None
>>>>     password = None
>>>>     binding = loop
>>>>     [[message_callback]]
>>>>         type = json
>>>>     [[topics]]
>>>>         unit_system = US
>>>>         #
>>>>         #--- these are emitted every 5 minutes ---
>>>>         # mosquitto_sub -t BaseballRoomConditions -h nuc2
>>>>         #     {"dateTime": 1621715702, "extraTemp1": 63.16, 
>>>> "extraTemp2": 63.5, "pi": 100.28}
>>>>         #
>>>>         [[[BaseballRoomConditions]]]    <=== the topic to subscribe to
>>>>             [[[[dateTime]]]]            <=== the element in that topic
>>>>                 ignore = True           <=== optionally ignore this 
>>>> item within the topic
>>>>             [[[[extraTemp1]]]]
>>>>                 name = extraTemp1       <=== db element to map the item 
>>>> to
>>>>                 units = degree_F        <=== its units
>>>>             [[[[extraTemp2]]]]
>>>>                 name = extraTemp2
>>>>                 units = degree_F
>>>>             [[[[pi]]]]
>>>>                 ignore = True
>>>> On Saturday, November 27, 2021 at 2:26:46 PM UTC-8 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>  I believe you need to add the topic you subscribing to in 
>>>>> [[[first/topic]]]. 
>>>>> Example:
>>>>> ##########################################################################################
>>>>>   #              Acurite-5n1 Sensors
>>>>>   #              SDR # 1 
>>>>>   #              433 MHz
>>>>> ##########################################################################################
>>>>>         [[[Acurite-Tower/8785/]]]
>>>>>            [[[[temperature_F]]]]
>>>>>             name = extraTemp7
>>>>>             ignore = False
>>>>>             contains_total = False
>>>>>             conversion_type = float
>>>>>             units = degree_F
>>>>> On Saturday, November 27, 2021 at 5:15:24 PM UTC-5 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I'm running a RAK7244 LoRaWAN server/gateway on a local network to 
>>>>>> which my weewx server is connected. Weeex is the latest stable on Ubuntu 
>>>>>> with extended db.
>>>>>> A CO2 sensor is sending data to the LoRa server. I have node-red on 
>>>>>> my weewx server with a flow  connecting to the RAK7244. I want to have 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> CO2 data put into the co2 slot that is available on the weewx db.
>>>>>> I have installed the weewx extension Mosquitto-subscribe and 
>>>>>> attempted to configure weewx.conf as:
>>>>>> #################################################
>>>>>> # Options for 'MQTTSubscribeService'
>>>>>> [MQTTSubscribeService]
>>>>>>     # This section is for the MQTTSubscribe service.
>>>>>>         # Turn the service on and off.
>>>>>>     # Default is: true
>>>>>>     # Only used by the service.
>>>>>>     enable = true    # false
>>>>>>     # The MQTT server.
>>>>>>     # Default is localhost.
>>>>>>     host = localhost  #    #localhost
>>>>>>     # The port to connect to.
>>>>>>     # Default is 1883.
>>>>>>     port = 1883
>>>>>>     # Maximum period in seconds allowed between communications with 
>>>>>> the broker.
>>>>>>     # Default is 60.
>>>>>>     keepalive = 60
>>>>>>     # username for broker authentication.
>>>>>>     # Default is None.
>>>>>>     username = None
>>>>>>     # password for broker authentication.
>>>>>>     # Default is None.
>>>>>>     password = None 
>>>>>>     # The binding, loop or archive.
>>>>>>     # Default is: loop
>>>>>>     # Only used by the service.
>>>>>>     binding = loop
>>>>>>     # The message handler to use
>>>>>>     [[message_callback]]
>>>>>>         # The format of the MQTT payload.
>>>>>>         # Currently support: individual, json, keyword
>>>>>>         # Must be specified.
>>>>>>         type = json    #REPLACE_ME
>>>>>>     # The application/18/device/2cf7f12122500013/rx  topics to 
>>>>>> subscribe to.
>>>>>>     [[topics]]
>>>>>>         # Units for MQTT payloads without unit value.
>>>>>>         # Valid values: US, METRIC, METRICWX
>>>>>>         # Default is: US
>>>>>>         unit_system = US
>>>>>>         [[[first/topic]]]
>>>>>> #value sent from RAK7244
>>>>>> [[[[CO2_Value_PPM]]]]
>>>>>>         #weewx db name
>>>>>> name = co2
>>>>>> ignore = false
>>>>>>                 contains total = True
>>>>>> conversion type = float
>>>>>>         #[[[SECOND/REPLACE_ME]]]
>>>>>> ################################################
>>>>>> The message (data) every 60 minutes coming from the node-red function 
>>>>>> is:
>>>>>> {"CO2_Value_PPM":401} 
>>>>>> I may have too many things going here but, as I'm not a programmer, 
>>>>>> I'm stuck trying to figure out the problem. The node-red flow is 
>>>>>> connected 
>>>>>> on both ends (RAK7244-->weewx) but I don't see any data reaching the db.
>>>>>> Thanks in advance if anyone can help on this.
>>>>>> Cheers'
>>>>>> Bob

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