Work your mosquitto broker problem and that only.
Test with mosquitto_sub and mosquitto_pub and get that to work first.
Once that works, try to get weewx to subscribe.

Try removing any previous garbage your earlier attempts might have put into 

sudo rm -r /run/mosquitto
sudo systemctl start mosquitto

On my ubuntu 21.10 vm permissions look like:

root@ubuntu-focal:/run# ls -lagd /run/mosquitto
drwxr----- 2 root 60 Dec 31 23:42 /run/mosquitto

root@ubuntu-focal:/run# ls -lagd /run/mosquitto/*
-rw-r--r-- 1 mosquitto 4 Dec 31 23:42 /run/mosquitto/

On Friday, December 31, 2021 at 2:36:19 PM UTC-8 Eric K wrote:

> No, its not working.  
> Running the commands with sudo still failed to generate a pid file.
> Running with the default config allowed mosquitto to start and 
> MQTTSubscribe tried to connect but it disconnected after 5 seconds.
> When I started weewx and forced wee_reports to run, it bomed out with many 
> errors including MQTTSubscribe errors.
> I suspect because it couldn't connect to mosquitto.
> Since the mosquitto command changed from "port" to "listener", do I have 
> to change the MQTTSubscribe section of weewx.conf so it calls out "listener 
> = 1883" rather than "port = 1883"?
> On Friday, December 31, 2021 at 4:20:01 PM UTC-6 vince wrote:
>> So is it working ?  Not working ?
>> We can't read minds and your followups are rather cryptic.
>> Is there any mosquitto process running ?
>> If so stop it and try again with 'sudo systemctl start mosquitto' 
>> If you want to try to run mosquitto in the foreground to debug it, add 
>> the -v switch to make it verbose, and remember to use sudo

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