I'm using a VP2 - about 12 years worth now. My connection is via a serial 
Weatherlink in a Weather Envoy, as my weewx install is in the basement and 
my console is upstairs in the living room. Since the WL Live came out the 
Envoy is more affordable than it used to be, and works great. If you can 
put your console next to (or close to) the weewx PC then you can just use 
the serial/USB module, otherwise you'll need the Envoy. 

I use the standard anemometer on my roof; I also have a Tempest with sonic 
anemometer, and it doesn't seem to be quite as accurate or sensitive as the 
old-school version. (It's also $500 extra, and I'm cheap...) My anemometer 
has needed absolutely no maintenance in that 12 years. I'm also thinking 
about using the AirLink if I can get it's data pulled into weewx and 
integrated, but haven't seen any discussion about it in here. 

Next plan is to start using the Tempest to report into a weewx instance and 
see how it compares to the VP2, If it's accurate and reliable it'll go up 
on the roof pole with the VP2 anemometer and do it's thing.

On Monday, March 14, 2022 at 4:33:20 AM UTC-8 do...@dougjenkins.com wrote:

> 1. Should I use the WeatherLink or a direct connection module? Pros/Cons?
> 2. Has anyone used the Air Quality module from Davis on their weather 
> station and reported the data using WeeWX?
> 3. Has anyone used the Davis Sonic Anemometer? I am thinking of putting 
> the anemometer high up on the tower (33ft/10m), but maintaining that will 
> be a big chore. I am surrounded by large oaks, so the higher the 
> anemometer, the better wind reading.

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