I have tried to get this to work with varying degrees of success. We seldom 
have lightning which makes troubleshooting more involved.

Comparing the raw output of your sdr driver (sdr.txt) with your sensor map 
in the first post, this looks correct. 

lightning_distance = *strike_distance.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket*
lightning_strike_count = *strike_count.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket*

parsed: {'dateTime': 1654733294, 'usUnits': 1, 
'model.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket': 'Acurite-Atlas', 
'channel.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket': 'A', 
'sequence_num.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket': 2, 
'message_type.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket': 39, '
*strike_count.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket*': 27, '
*strike_distance.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket*': 7, 
'wind_speed.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket': 8.0, 'uv.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket': 1, 
'lux.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket': 45660, 'battery.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket': 0}

And from the weewx log, we have a delta, which looks a bit odd:

INFO user.sdr: deltas is {'rain': 'rain_total', 'lightning_strike_count': 

Reading here <https://groups.google.com/g/weewx-user/c/xBihBm0jVls> adds 
some background.

This is what I have, it may not be correct:

INFO user.sdr: deltas is {'lightning_strike_count': 'strikes_total', 
'rain': 'rain_total'}

        lightning_distance = distance.3C47.AcuriteLightningPacket
        strikes_total = strikes_total.3C47.AcuriteLightningPacket


        #lightning_distance = lightning_distance if lightning_strike_count 
> 0 else None
        lightning_distance = None if lightning_strike_count == 0 or 
lightning_strike_count is None else lightning_distance

        extractor = sum
        extractor = min
        merger = minmax

[image: Screenshot_2022-06-09_06-42-31.png]
[image: Screenshot_2022-06-09_07-28-30.png]

root@debian:/home/weewx/skins/Seasons# sqlite3 
/home/weewx/archive/weewx.sdb -header -column "select dateTime, 
lightning_distance, lightning_strike_count from archive where 
lightning_strike_count > 0 ORDER BY dateTime DESC LIMIT 10 ;" 
dateTime    lightning_distance  lightning_strike_count
----------  ------------------  ----------------------
1654476300  28.0                1.0                   
1654434900  28.0                39.0                  
1654325400  28.0                128.0                 
1653567000  28.0                39.0                  
1653128100  28.0                1.0                   
1653127800  28.0                1.0                   
1653095100  28.0                1.0                   
1652670600  0.0                 128.0                 
1652222700  28.0                1.0                   
1652220600  15.0                2.0 


On Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 5:49:17 PM UTC-7 dave.sp...@gmail.com wrote:

> Thanks for all the info you provided below, but I am still stumped. I only 
> have one the Acurite Atlas with lightning detector and BME280. Might be 
> thinking that my RTL-SDR is picking up other weather stations nearby.
> I have attached separate files showing that the lightning distance and 
> count that there is data there. 
> MySQL even shows that the data is there.
> But the issue is on the website. There is no graph/data show lightning 
> distance and strike count. Here is what the website is showing. 
> Any other ideas on what could be going on?
> Thanks
> Dave
> *From:* weewx...@googlegroups.com <weewx...@googlegroups.com> *On Behalf 
> Of *gjr80
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 7, 2022 9:41 PM
> *To:* weewx-user <weewx...@googlegroups.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [weewx-user] Re: Adding lightening sensor to weewx
> Dave,
> Thanks, the log is great resource for troubleshooting; if you include the 
> WeeWX startup portion of the log it provides detail on how WeeWX is 
> configured and if you have debug set high enough you get a good picture of 
> what is going on. The log is the first place to look when things don't work.
> It looks like the SDR driver is not being fed any data from rtl_433 that 
> contains lightning related data. Your sensor map maps fields from 
> AcuriteAtlasPacket packets (which appears to be correct) and correctly 
> sets up lightning_strike_count as a delta:
> Jun  7 16:14:29 raspberrypi weewx[25278] INFO user.sdr: sensor map is 
> {'outTemp': 'temperature.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket', 'outHumidity': 
> 'humidity.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket', 'windSpeed': 
> 'wind_speed.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket', 'windDir': 
> 'wind_dir.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket', 'UV': 'uv.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket', 
> 'rain_total': 'rain_total.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket', 'radiation': 
> 'lux.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket', 'outTempBatteryStatus': 
> 'battery.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket', 'lightning_distance': 
> 'strike_distance.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket', 'lightning_strike_count': 
> 'strike_count.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket', 'luminosity': 
> 'lux.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket'}
> Jun  7 16:14:29 raspberrypi weewx[25278] INFO user.sdr: deltas is {'rain': 
> 'rain_total', 'lightning_strike_count': 'lightning_strike_count'}
> but according to the log SDR is only seeing AcuriteTowerPacketV2 packets 
> from rtl_433:
> Jun  7 16:15:23 raspberrypi weewx[25278] INFO user.sdr: unmapped: 
> ['{"time" : "2022-06-07 22:15:20", "model" : "Acurite-Tower", "id" : 9794, 
> "channel" : "A", "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 17.300, "humidity" : 
> 48, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}\n', '{"time" : "2022-06-07 22:15:20", "model" : 
> "Acurite-Tower", "id" : 9794, "channel" : "A", "battery_ok" : 1, 
> "temperature_C" : 17.300, "humidity" : 48, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}\n'] 
> ({'dateTime': 1654640120, 'usUnits': 16, 
> 'protocol.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None, 
> 'model.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 'Acurite-Tower', 
> 'sensor_id.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': '0000', 
> 'channel.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 'A', 
> 'temperature.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 17.3, 
> 'humidity.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 48.0, 
> 'battery.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 1, 'mod.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 
> None, 'freq.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None, 
> 'rssi.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None, 'snr.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 
> None, 'noise.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None})
> Jun  7 16:15:23 raspberrypi weewx[25278] INFO user.sdr: unmapped: 
> ['{"time" : "2022-06-07 22:15:20", "model" : "Acurite-Tower", "id" : 9794, 
> "channel" : "A", "battery_ok" : 1, "temperature_C" : 17.300, "humidity" : 
> 48, "mic" : "CHECKSUM"}\n'] ({'dateTime': 1654640120, 'usUnits': 16, 
> 'protocol.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None, 
> 'model.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 'Acurite-Tower', 
> 'sensor_id.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': '0000', 
> 'channel.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 'A', 
> 'temperature.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 17.3, 
> 'humidity.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 48.0, 
> 'battery.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 1, 'mod.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 
> None, 'freq.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None, 
> 'rssi.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None, 'snr.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 
> None, 'noise.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None})
> Jun  7 16:15:23 raspberrypi weewx[25278] INFO user.sdr: unmapped: [] 
> ({'dateTime': 1654640120, 'usUnits': 16, 
> 'protocol.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None, 
> 'model.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 'Acurite-Tower', 
> 'sensor_id.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': '0000', 
> 'channel.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 'A', 
> 'temperature.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 17.3, 
> 'humidity.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 48.0, 
> 'battery.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 1, 'mod.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 
> None, 'freq.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None, 
> 'rssi.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None, 'snr.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': 
> None, 'noise.2642.AcuriteTowerPacketV2': None})
> I would take a step back and work through the *How to diagnose problems* 
> section of the SDR readme 
> <https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-sdr#readme>. Start by running 
> rtl_433 directly to see what packets it is picking up. If rtl_433 is not 
> picking up any Acurite Atlas packets then SDR has no chance. I'm not an 
> Acurite user but looking at some other threads on Acurite Atlas and SDR the 
> Atlas seems to emit packets containing lightning data roughly every 15 
> seconds. By all means post the rtl_433 output if you wish.
> Gary
> On Wednesday, 8 June 2022 at 08:19:27 UTC+10 dave.sp...@gmail.com wrote:
> Gary thanks for the reply. Sorry I didn’t provide enough data. So here it 
> what I am running. My driver is SDR. I have verified that data is being 
> received and stored into the database, but what I am not getting is any 
> type of graph with the distance and strike counts on the web site. That is 
> what I need help with. How do I make that show up?
> I have included a log output
> Thanks
> Dave
> *From:* weewx...@googlegroups.com <weewx...@googlegroups.com> *On Behalf 
> Of *gjr80
> *Sent:* Monday, June 6, 2022 7:14 PM
> *To:* weewx-user <weewx...@googlegroups.com>
> *Subject:* [weewx-user] Re: Adding lightening sensor to weewx
> Hi,
> Going to need a little more info. What driver are you using? SDR? If so 
> what does your weewx.conf [SDR] stanza contain? Again assuming SDR, have 
> you run the driver directly as per the SDR readme 
> <https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-sdr#readme>? What does the WeeWX 
> log show? Post a log extract with debug = 1 showing the full WeeWX 
> startup and a couple of archive periods, this WeeWX wiki page 
> <https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/Help!-Posting-to-weewx-user#the-system-log>
> will give you instructions on how to get such a log extract.
> Gary
> On Tuesday, 7 June 2022 at 08:16:10 UTC+10 dave.sp...@gmail.com wrote:
> Good afternoon all, I am trying to get the lightening detector sensor to 
> show in weewx. The sensor is Acurite Atlas
> I have added the following under [[sensor_map]]
>         lightning_distance = strike_distance.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>         lightning_strike_count = strike_count.0010.AcuriteAtlasPacket
> Any help getting this working would be great
> Thanks
> -- 
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