It looks like you are using an older version of Seasons (before it was
parameterized). The variable $archive[1] is the result of evaluating $day,
which makes it an instance of weewx.tags.TimespanBinder, built using
default values in the initializer. At this point, it's too late to ask it
to be built using a custom value for data_binding.

What to do? You could introduce a new set of timespans, this time including
your custom binding. It would look like (NOT TESTED):

#set $archive_data = [('day', $day, $day(data_binding='rpi24-binding')),
('week', $week, $week(data_binding='rpi24-binding')), ('month', $month,
$month(data_binding='rpi24-binding')), ('year', $year,
$year(data_binding='rpi24-binding')), ('rainyear', $rainyear,

then use that when necessary:

    <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
      <span title="$archive[1].rainRate.maxtime">

Another approach would be to update to the parameterized version of
Seasons, which does its evaluation of TimespanBinder later, allowing it to
be modified in a more straightforward way:

     <td class="data new_row hilo_$timespan">
       <span title="$getVar('%s.%s' % ($timespan, $x)).maxtime">
       $getVar('%s.%s(data_binding='rpi24-binding')' % ($timespan,


On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 2:57 PM 'Rainer Lang' via weewx-user <> wrote:

> After some more digging I have advanced:
> my 2nd issue, that the monthly and weekly data is not shown seems to be
> solved:
> while in the imagegenerator the week/month means 7 days back and 30 days
> back from the current date,
> $week and $month seem to mean the calender week and calender month - a few
> tests with fake rain data in the database confirmed that
> remains the issue how to show the values from the remote database in the
> High/Low portion of the High/Low table
> at
> the example goes:
> <table>
>   <tr>
>     <td class="stats_label">Inside Temperature, Vantage</td>
>     <td class="stats_data">$current.inTemp</td>
>   </tr>
>   <tr>
>     <td class="stats_label">Inside Temperature, WMR100</td>
>     <td 
> class="stats_data">$latest*($data_binding='wmr100_binding')*.inTemp</td>
>   </tr>
> </table>
> this translated into my code
> <tr>
>         <td class="label">$obs.label.rain</td>
>         #for $archive in $archive_data
>         <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
>           $archive[1].rain.sum.format(add_label=False)</td>
>         #end for
>         <td class="units">$unit.label.rain</td>
>  </tr>
>  <tr>
>         <td class="label">$obs.label.rainRate</td>
>         #for $archive in $archive_data
>         <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
>           <span title="$archive[1].rainRate.maxtime">
>             $archive[1].rainRate.max.format(add_label=False)</span>
>         </td>
>         #end for
>         <td class="units">$unit.label.rainRate</td>
> </tr>
> should in my understanding then be:
> <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
> $archive[1]*($data_binding='rpi24-binding')*
> .rain.sum.format(add_label=False)</td>
> resp.
> <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
>   <span title="$archive[1].rainRate.maxtime">
>     $archive[1]*($data_binding='rpi24-binding')*.
> rainRate.max.format(add_label=False)</span>
>  </td>
> where "rpi24-binding" is my database binding of the remote database
> however, this produces a Cheetah Syntax error
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> Evaluation of template /etc/weewx/skins/Seasons/index.html.tmpl failed with
> exception '<class 'SyntaxError'>'
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> **** Ignoring template /etc/weewx/skins/Seasons/index.html.tmpl
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> **** Reason: keyword can't be an expression (<string>, line 1)
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> ****  Traceback (most recent call last):
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> ****    File "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/", line 348, in
> generate
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> ****      unicode_string = compiled_template.respond()
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> ****    File
> "",
> line 287, in respond
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> ****    File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/Cheetah/", line
> 1707, in _handleCheetahInclude
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> ****      self._CHEETAH__cheetahIncludes[_includeID].respond(trans)
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> ****    File
> "",
> line 1744, in respond
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> ****    File
> "",
> line 386, in __errorCatcher46
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> ****    File "<string>", line 1
> Jul  5 23:26:15 raspberrypi weewx[31166] ERROR weewx.cheetahgenerator:
> ****  SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression
> what am I missing ?? - it's definitely the
> *($data_binding='rpi24-binding')* which causes the error - when I remove
> it, no error is shown - but then I don't get my data from the remote
> database ...
> Am 05.07.2022 um 12:32 schrieb Rainer Lang:
> the background which made me run into the issue(s) which I couldn't find a
> solution for yet -
> nothing found in the WiKi either
> 2 Ecowitt stations - one has the WS90 and a WH40 rain gauge connected, one
> the rain gauge from the WS69 array
> 2 weewx instances - one receiving the WS90/WH40 data, one receiving the
> WS69 data
> the instances run on different servers, but that was only an additional
> challenge to figure out where to put the data_binding information - maybe
> not yet completely solved - we'll see later
> running weewx 4.8.0 - but with my old skin.conf - not (yet) with the
> skin.conf which comes with the 4.8.0 install
> I have added the following entries to my skin.conf - and the plots of all
> three are properly shown - as desired
> (for that I repurposed the wsview_extended database field "hail" for the
> WS90 piezo rain)
> ####### excerpt skin.conf start ##########
>         [[[dayrain]]]
>             # Make sure the y-axis increment is at least 0.02 for the rain
> plot
>             yscale = None, None, 0.02
>             plot_type = bar
>             [[[[rain]]]]
>                 aggregate_type = sum
>                 aggregate_interval = 3600
>                 label = Rain (hourly total) (WH40)
>         [[[dayrain2]]]
>             # Make sure the y-axis increment is at least 0.02 for the rain
> plot
>             yscale = None, None, 0.02
>             plot_type = bar
>             fill_color = "#ff4500"
>             [[[[hail]]]]              #WS90 piezo rain
>                 aggregate_type = sum
>                 aggregate_interval = 3600
>                 label = Rain (hourly total) (WS90)
>         [[[dayrain3]]]
>             # Make sure the y-axis increment is at least 0.02 for the rain
> plot
>            data_binding = rpi24-binding
>             yscale = None, None, 0.02
>             plot_type = bar
>             fill_color = "#32cd32"
>             [[[[rain]]]]              #WH65 rain
>                 aggregate_type = sum
>                 aggregate_interval = 3600
>                 label = Rain (hourly total) (WS69)
> ############ excerpt skin.conf end ##############
> HOWEVER, I couldn't manage to get the data from the external database
> [[[dayrain3]] into the current data table - nor into the High/Low table
> *I couldn't figure out how to address the external database field in
> and in to be shown in the table here.*
> Any advise how to manage that highly appreciated !
> SECOND ISSUE: into which I ran while experimenting with the file
> to get my values displayed
> I found that even though the syntax seems to be correct, I only get the
> current (that's data displayed (for "rain" and "hail")
> but *I wouldn't get the weekly and monthly rain sums displayed - only the
> yearly*.😮 - the others simply remain "0.0"
> (it does the same in my other weewx installations too !)
> excerpt below - what's wrong here and, also, referring back to the first
> question, how would the code look like for the external database field
> "rain" to be inserted to be displayed in that table ?
> ########### excerpt start ###########
> #set $archive_data = [('day', $day), ('week', $week), ('month', $month),
> ('year', $year), ('rainyear', $rainyear)]
> <div id='hilo_widget' class="widget">
>   <div class="widget_title">
>     <a href="statistics.html">High/Low</a>
>     <a class="widget_control"
>       onclick="toggle_widget('hilo')">&diams;</a>
>   </div>
>   <div class="widget_contents">
>   <table>
>     <tbody>
> ....................
>  <tr>
>         <td class="label">$obs.label.rain</td>
>         #for $archive in $archive_data
>         <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
>           $archive[1].rain.sum.format(add_label=False)</td>
>         #end for
>         <td class="units">$unit.label.rain</td>
>       </tr>
>       <tr>
>         <td class="label">$obs.label.rainRate</td>
>         #for $archive in $archive_data
>         <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
>           <span title="$archive[1].rainRate.maxtime">
>             $archive[1].rainRate.max.format(add_label=False)</span>
>         </td>
>         #end for
>         <td class="units">$unit.label.rainRate</td>
>       </tr>
>       <tr>
>         <td class="label">$obs.label.piezorain</td>
>         #for $archive in $archive_data
>         <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
>           $archive[1].hail.sum.format(add_label=False)</td>
>         #end for
>         <td class="units">$unit.label.rain</td>
>       </tr>
>       <tr>
>         <td class="label">$obs.label.piezorainRate</td>
>         #for $archive in $archive_data
>         <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
>           <span title="$archive[1].hailRate.maxtime">
>             $archive[1].hailRate.max.format(add_label=False)</span>
>         </td>
>         #end for
>           <td class="units">$unit.label.rainRate</td>
>       </tr>
> .................
> ############ excedrpt end #############
> --
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