the background which made me run into the issue(s) which I couldn't find a solution for yet -
nothing found in the WiKi either

2 Ecowitt stations - one has the WS90 and a WH40 rain gauge connected, one the rain gauge from the WS69 array 2 weewx instances - one receiving the WS90/WH40 data, one receiving the WS69 data the instances run on different servers, but that was only an additional challenge to figure out where to put the data_binding information - maybe not yet completely solved - we'll see later

running weewx 4.8.0 - but with my old skin.conf - not (yet) with the skin.conf which comes with the 4.8.0 install

I have added the following entries to my skin.conf - and the plots of all three are properly shown - as desired (for that I repurposed the wsview_extended database field "hail" for the WS90 piezo rain)

####### excerpt skin.conf start ##########

            # Make sure the y-axis increment is at least 0.02 for the rain plot
            yscale = None, None, 0.02
            plot_type = bar
                aggregate_type = sum
                aggregate_interval = 3600
                label = Rain (hourly total) (WH40)
            # Make sure the y-axis increment is at least 0.02 for the rain plot
            yscale = None, None, 0.02
            plot_type = bar
            fill_color = "#ff4500"
            [[[[hail]]]]              #WS90 piezo rain
                aggregate_type = sum
                aggregate_interval = 3600
                label = Rain (hourly total) (WS90)
            # Make sure the y-axis increment is at least 0.02 for the rain plot
           data_binding = rpi24-binding
            yscale = None, None, 0.02
            plot_type = bar
            fill_color = "#32cd32"
            [[[[rain]]]]              #WH65 rain
                aggregate_type = sum
                aggregate_interval = 3600
                label = Rain (hourly total) (WS69)
############ excerpt skin.conf end ##############

HOWEVER, I couldn't manage to get the data from the external database [[[dayrain3]] into the current data table - nor into the High/Low table

_I couldn't figure out how to address the external database field in and in to be shown in the table here._

Any advise how to manage that highly appreciated !

SECOND ISSUE: into which I ran while experimenting with the file to get my values displayed

I found that even though the syntax seems to be correct, I only get the current (that's data displayed (for "rain" and "hail") but _I wouldn't get the weekly and monthly rain sums displayed - only the yearly_.😮 - the others simply remain "0.0"
(it does the same in my other weewx installations too !)

excerpt below - what's wrong here and, also, referring back to the first question, how would the code look like for the external database field "rain" to be inserted to be displayed in that table ?

########### excerpt start ###########

#set $archive_data = [('day', $day), ('week', $week), ('month', $month), ('year', $year), ('rainyear', $rainyear)]

<div id='hilo_widget' class="widget">
  <div class="widget_title">
    <a href="statistics.html">High/Low</a>
    <a class="widget_control"

  <div class="widget_contents">

        <td class="label">$obs.label.rain</td>
        #for $archive in $archive_data
        <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
        #end for
        <td class="units">$unit.label.rain</td>
        <td class="label">$obs.label.rainRate</td>
        #for $archive in $archive_data
        <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
          <span title="$archive[1].rainRate.maxtime">
        #end for
        <td class="units">$unit.label.rainRate</td>
        <td class="label">$obs.label.piezorain</td>
        #for $archive in $archive_data
        <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
        #end for
        <td class="units">$unit.label.rain</td>
        <td class="label">$obs.label.piezorainRate</td>
        #for $archive in $archive_data
        <td class="data new_row hilo_$archive[0]">
          <span title="$archive[1].hailRate.maxtime">
        #end for
          <td class="units">$unit.label.rainRate</td>

############ excedrpt end #############

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