I have had a similar issue twice but not since January 2021.  I have my 
Davis console on wall power plus batteries, assuming the batteries would 
work like a UPS but that might not be reliable.

Look at the weewx wiki:

I shut down weewx and inspected my database using DB Browser for SQLite on 
a desktop and there are no issues in the DB so clock slew was not my issue.

If I follow the instructions in 'Corrupt station memory' using debug mode i 
see exactly the same results as the wiki shows with the DMPACT command 
indicating the download is complete while I still have 197 pages in the 

Rebooting the console did not work for me and I had to use the dump & clear 
commands.  That resulted in the loss of records for a 25 minute period the 
last time around. 

On Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 4:46:11 PM UTC-6 disaveri...@gmail.com 

> Today I had a power outage, from the 06:01 CEST to the 07:51 CEST.
> So the last record added by weewx before the outage was at 06:01 CEST. 
> From logs (reporting here only last two lines):
>     pi@raspberrypi:~ $ journalctl -b -1
>     Aug 20 06:01:14 raspberrypi python3[16243]: weewx[16243] INFO 
> weewx.manager: Added record 2022-08-20 06:01:00 CEST (1660968060) to 
> database 'weewx.sdb'
>     Aug 20 06:01:14 raspberrypi python3[16243]: weewx[16243] INFO 
> weewx.manager: Added record 2022-08-20 06:01:00 CEST (1660968060) to daily 
> summary in 'weewx.s>
> When the power came back, the wifi was not available, so the raspberry's 
> time (I have no RTC module) was automatically set to a previously recorded 
> timestamp: 05:53:32 CEST (118 mins before real time).
> So when weewx re-started recording, it discarded first 8 samples and then 
> started going. From logs:
>     Aug 20 06:01:19 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] ERROR 
> weewx.manager: Unable to add record 2022-08-20 05:54:00 CEST (1660967640) 
> to database 'weewx.sdb': UNIQUE constraint failed: archive.dateTime
>     Aug 20 06:01:19 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] ERROR 
> weewx.manager: Unable to add record 2022-08-20 05:55:00 CEST (1660967700) 
> to database 'weewx.sdb': UNIQUE constraint failed: archive.dateTime
>     Aug 20 06:01:19 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] ERROR 
> weewx.manager: Unable to add record 2022-08-20 05:56:00 CEST (1660967760) 
> to database 'weewx.sdb': UNIQUE constraint failed: archive.dateTime
>     Aug 20 06:01:19 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] ERROR 
> weewx.manager: Unable to add record 2022-08-20 05:57:00 CEST (1660967820) 
> to database 'weewx.sdb': UNIQUE constraint failed: archive.dateTime
>     Aug 20 06:01:19 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] ERROR 
> weewx.manager: Unable to add record 2022-08-20 05:58:00 CEST (1660967880) 
> to database 'weewx.sdb': UNIQUE constraint failed: archive.dateTime
>     Aug 20 06:01:19 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] ERROR 
> weewx.manager: Unable to add record 2022-08-20 05:59:00 CEST (1660967940) 
> to database 'weewx.sdb': UNIQUE constraint failed: archive.dateTime
>     Aug 20 06:01:19 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] ERROR 
> weewx.manager: Unable to add record 2022-08-20 06:00:00 CEST (1660968000) 
> to database 'weewx.sdb': UNIQUE constraint failed: archive.dateTime
>     Aug 20 06:01:19 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] ERROR 
> weewx.manager: Unable to add record 2022-08-20 06:01:00 CEST (1660968060) 
> to database 'weewx.sdb': UNIQUE constraint failed: archive.dateTime
>     Aug 20 06:02:16 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] INFO 
> weewx.manager: Added record 2022-08-20 06:02:00 CEST (1660968120) to 
> database 'weewx.sdb'
>     Aug 20 06:02:16 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] INFO 
> weewx.manager: Added record 2022-08-20 06:02:00 CEST (1660968120) to daily 
> summary in 'weewx.sdb'
> But, and this is a bit surprising, it also discarded records collected in 
> the davis datalogger.
> They are 110 lines, from 1660968120 (06:02:00 CEST) and 1660974660 
> (07:51:00 CEST) (The power outage didn't affect the davis station: it is 
> battery powered).
> From logs (reporting only the first and the last one):
>     Aug 20 05:53:35 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] WARNING 
> weewx.engine: Ignore historical record: {'dateTime': 1660968120, 'usUnits': 
> 1, 'interval': 1, 'rxCheckPercent': 89.6875, 'outTemp': 68.8>
>     ...
>     Aug 20 05:53:35 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] WARNING 
> weewx.engine: Ignore historical record: {'dateTime': 1660974660, 'usUnits': 
> 1, 'interval': 1, 'rxCheckPercent': 100.0, 'outTemp': 69.5, >
> Why were they discarded? Because the weewx time was before the record's 
> time?
> Then, few hours later I restored the wifi network, and the rasp 
> automatically changed his time, and so weewx. From logs:
>     Aug 20 12:09:33 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Network Time 
> Synchronization.
>     Aug 20 14:07:04 raspberrypi systemd-timesyncd[2057]: Initial 
> synchronization to time server (0.debian.pool.ntp.org).
>     Aug 20 14:07:05 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] INFO 
> weewx.engine: Clock error is -7050.52 seconds (positive is fast)
>     Aug 20 14:07:05 raspberrypi python3[600]: weewx[600] INFO 
> weewx.drivers.vantage: Clock set to 2022-08-20 14:07:06 CEST (1660997226)
> After this, it started to store data correctly, starting from 1660997280 
> (14:08:00 CEST).
> Now the situation is:
> - I have a hole from the 1660990140 (12:09:00 CEST) to 1660997280 
> (14:08:00 CEST) (excluded). (When I restored the network connection, and 
> rasp fixed its time).
> - All the database records with dateTime from 1660968120 (06:02:00 CEST) 
> to 1660990140 (12:09:00 CEST) (included) are backshifted of 118 minutes
> - Real records from 1660968120 (06:02:00 CEST) to 1660974660 (07:51:00 
> CEST) are in the datalogger so I can restore them.
> - The only records I lost, are the first 8 samples weewx took after 
> restart (from 07:52:00 CEST to 07:59:00 CEST, included)
> My plan to fix data:
> 1. drop (but preserving for later use) all the records starting from 
> 1660968120 (06:02:00 CEST) (included) from the `archive` table in the 
> database
> 2. start weewx with datalogger activated to download records from 
> 1660968120 (06:02:00 CEST) to 1660974660 (07:51:00 CEST)
> 3. re-insert records I removed at step 1. insert only from 1660968120 
> (06:02:00 CEST) to 1660990140 (12:09:00 CEST), adding 118*60 to dateTime
> 4. re-insert all the following records (so starting from 1660997280 
> (14:08:00 CEST)) keeping them as they are
> 5. fix other table running `wee_database --drop-daily` and then 
> `wee_database --rebuild-daily` (maybe scoped to the single day of today)
> Any suggestion, or comment?
> Thanks
> [But at the end, I have a question: Why in the datalogger, records 
> starting from 07:52:00 CEST, have the same wrong values present in the 
> weewx database? Is the datalogger written by weewx?
> I mean: It looks like the datalogger has been written by weewx when (i) no 
> data were present AND (ii) weewx was connected to him (so, starting from 
> 07:52:00 CEST. before data are present, collected by the station itself)]

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