Invisible Man <> writes:

> I'm considering the purchase of a EcoWitt HP2551 : it has a console + a 
> 7-in-1 sensor. Just not totally sure how to integrate it with Weewx.
> People said here to use the Ecowitt GW-1100 driver, right? But EcoWitt 
> HP2551 does not have that GW1100 gateway. Will the driver work 
> nevertheless? 
> Basically, I'm not sure the EcoWitt HP2551 (or 2552, or 2553) has a USB 
> cable. So how would I connect it to the RPi on which Weewx runs?

I am unclear on details but am heading down the path of figuring out
which EcoWitt station someone else should get.  I lean to EcoWitt
because it seems to be reasonable quality at very low prices and they
seem to be open-source and local-access no-cloud-required friendly.  So
many things are cloud-only which I consider a total fail -- the
interceptor driver is an impressive hack but it's a bad situation that
it's necesary.

The GW1100 is included with a number of display-less stations.  As I
understand it, there's a local API and the driver is just talking to
that API and injecting to weewx.  Thus it should work if the internet is
down (or if the GW1100 is firewalled to keep the data from being sent to
their cloud), but I'm not 100% sure as sometimes devices have code that
phones home and stops if that doesn't work.


it looks like there is the equivalent of the GW1100 inside the console,
because it says it uploads to similar places, and there is a list of
optional sensors that seems to match.  It would be sane to offer the
same API and for them to reuse their code and circuit design, just
sharing the case/etc. -- and doing so would be consistent with my
impression of EcoWitt's approach.

However, skimming the driver github site I don't see direct confirmation
that the HP2551 is wire-protocol compatible.  With any luck someone will
post that they've used the driver.

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