Does WEEX run on Debian OS on the Raspberry PI? I am currently using 
Raspbian OS (that the RPI came with), but I am being somewhat "pushed" to 
change it....

That may sound "odd" but below is the reason why -

Current setup:

My long term goal was to use my Raspberry PI for a bunch of stuff, not just 
WEEWX and here is a slight compatibility problem. Hardware and software 
setup listed below, then main question is at the bottom:


   - Raspberry PI 4 (8GB Ram and booting off of an SSD so it is pretty 
   - Connected to a fiber 1GB connection by ethernet for reliability
   - Running it headless (access over local network via VNC & Telnet) -
   - Bluetooth, sound and HDMI ports all turned off to maximize available 
   CPU. The weather station is an AmbientWeather WS-2902C about 9 months old.


   - I have WEEWX running like a top (very well) and recently updated it to 
   the latest version. It is using the "Interceptor" driver to listen to the 
   weather station  to collect the data, and sends data out to ten places: 
   Windy, Wundergound, WindGuru, OWM, Meteoservices, Weather365, PWSWeather, 
   WeatherCloud, AWEKA and WOW
   - Running on the default OS that came with the RPI (which I consistently 
   keep up to date via VNC) - Raspbian.
   - Partially as learning excercise,  I have two two decent scripts 
   running on it:
      - One that turns it's fans on when the CPU exceeds 65 degrees celcius 
      and turns back off when it drops below 55 celcius.
      - A nightly reboot script as a cron job that emails me with details 
      on processes first shut-down and then gently reboots the RPI (takes place 
      few minutes after my router reboots in the middle of the night).
   - Home Assistant* ("Supervised" version), which is pretty involved but 
   can do amazing things regarding home automation. It was pure luck that 
   there is also a very good integration with the AmbientWeather weather 
   station that I am using so I can set up lights in certain rooms to turn on 
   automatically with brightness that is inversely proportional to the 
   berightness outside, send reminders to close specific windows that are open 
   when it starts raining, remind me to close the garage if left open too 
   long, etc., etc., etc.,

The creator of Home Assistant is a company named "Nabu Casa". The vast 
majority of Home Assistant users run their setup on a dedicated machine 
with the Home Assistant OS. With that setup, they do not allow ANY other 
software to run on the machine. There is one exception which I am using, 
and that is to run Home Assistant on Debian OS in a container - and that is 
what I am doing - even so, they still insist I use Debian, as my setup is 
considerd "unsupported" (ugh)... (They also alow me to run it in a VM but I 
haven't gone that route).

I was also thinking maybe I would get a dedicated mini PC or a second RPI 
and have them talk to each other, but #1 that's not in the budget right 
now, and 2. it might be overkill... (RPI CPU levels and temperature is 
still within very acceptable limits)...


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