when covid hit, the Pi foundation made the mistake of thinking that demand would drop, and so they reduced their fab orders (and then the fabs had outages, causing the chip shortages)

Instead, demand spiked, and they have spent the last couple of years scrambling to re-establish volume production. They opted to prioritize business bulk purchases over retail use, and even then were in the odd position of trying to sell as few to each buisiness as they could (to be able to provide a steady supply to all their corporate buyers).

The supply has started to recover, and they expect full recovery in the last half of 2023 (and have put off any Pi5 development until 2024)

As for what you want to use, if the Pi 2 1G was happy running it, it's still supported with software updates, so there's not a big reason to replace it. But if you want to replace it, anything new with similar specs will do the job.

David Lang

 On Wed, 29 Mar 2023, Yves Martin wrote:

Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2023 07:24:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Yves Martin <ve2...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: weewx-user@googlegroups.com
To: weewx-user <weewx-user@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [weewx-user] Raspberry Pi ... What's happening?


I've ordered 6 months ago 2 Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB, and they are still BO, and
the price triple since! It looks like, it becomes very difficult to get
this board now at a reasonable price.

What model of motherboard with how much memory on it, do you suggest for
weewx? I have here an old version (Raspberry Pi 2B 1GB) and it works well
but the board is 4-5 years old. It is time to upgrade. What is your

Ref : https://ymartin.com/meteo/about.html

*PS: I'm using an old version of weewx (v3.9.2), and I want to add a
AirQuality device to it, so I need to upgrade... *



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