yeah I don't have an accumulator section. I just received some really bad 
strike count data over 3,000 strikes, I have a feeling it was due to some 
sort of interference on the detector, I want to create a correction that 
causes any strike count totals greater than a specific number be registered 
as 0. I am trying to figure out how to make that entry but I get an error 
no matter what I put in. I know this is changing topics but I'm freakin out 
a little. Any ideas?

On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 3:49:28 PM UTC-4 Eric K wrote:

> Ahhh an external Acurite lightning detector.  That explains why your 
> lightning data variable does not end in ".AcuriteAtlasPacket"
> Of note, unlike the 2nd post in this thread, my [Accumulator] setion of 
> weewx.conf file is blank, because the Atlas lightning number is already an 
> accuulated value.
> #####################################################
> [Accumulator]
> #####################################################
> On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 2:34:24 PM UTC-5 Kevin Crivelli wrote:
>> oh I forgot to mention that I use a separate acurite lightning detector 
>> than the atlas detector. I do not have the atlas detector even installed 
>> because there are too many electronics near the main station that I have 
>> false positive lightning strikes when using the atlas detector so I use the 
>> acurite lightning detector in a different location for those readings. 
>> can't imagine that would have anything to do with my situation however I 
>> thought I'd tell you so you wouldn't be confused as to why mine is 
>> different than yours even though we both use Atlas's
>> On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 3:17 PM Kevin Crivelli <> 
>> wrote:
>>> mines definitely a little different. This is what I already have. It 
>>> seems to follow the logic you shared above in your configuration but my 
>>> packets are named differently. where you have "Atlas_strike_count = 
>>> strike_count.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket" I have "strikes_total = 
>>> strikes_total.1255.AcuriteLightningPacket". from looking at my deltas 
>>> section, does it look as though I have this set up correctly or am I off a 
>>> little bit?
>>> [SDR]
>>>     # This section is for the software-defined radio driver.
>>>     # The driver to use
>>>     driver = user.sdr
>>>     [[sensor_map]]
>>>         outTemp = temperature.030B.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>         outHumidity = humidity.030B.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>         windSpeed = wind_speed.030B.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>         windDir = wind_dir.030B.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>         UV = uv.030B.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>         rain_total = rain_total.030B.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>         radiation = lux.030B.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>         lux = lux.030B.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>         outTempBatteryStatus = battery.030B.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>         lightning_distance = distance.1255.AcuriteLightningPacket
>>>         strikes_total = strikes_total.1255.AcuriteLightningPacket
>>>         inTemp = temperature.3071.AcuriteTowerPacketV2
>>>         inHumidity = humidity.3071.AcuriteTowerPacketV2
>>> pressure = pressure.171.FOWH32BPacket
>>>     [[deltas]]
>>>         rain = rain_total
>>>         lightning_strike_count = strikes_total
>>> On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 3:11 PM Eric K <> wrote:
>>>> I forgot about the [SDR] section of the weewx.conf file.
>>>> weewx needs to convert the lightning strike count reported by the 
>>>> Acurite Atlas to a lightning strike delta number.
>>>> This is because the Atlas counts up lightning strikes and keeps 
>>>> incrementing the accumulated strike number (such as 5).
>>>> When the next strike ocurrs the Atlas will increment the number to 6, 
>>>> and so on.
>>>> You need weewx to watch for a change in that Atlas lightning strike 
>>>> number and report that difference (delta) between the last count and the 
>>>> current count.
>>>> from my weewx.conf file:
>>>> ##############################################################################
>>>> [SDR]
>>>>     # This section is for the software-defined radio driver.
>>>>     # collect data from Acurite-Atlas sensor 0011
>>>>     # The driver to use
>>>>     driver = user.sdr
>>>>     cmd = rtl_433 -R 40 -M utc -F json
>>>>     [[sensor_map]]
>>>>         outTemp = temperature.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>         outHumidity = humidity.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>         windSpeed = wind_speed.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>         windDir = wind_dir.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>         UV = uv.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>         luminosity = lux.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>         Atlas_rain_total = rain_total.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>         Atlas_strike_count = strike_count.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>         lightning_distance = strike_distance.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>         windBatteryStatus = battery.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>         batteryStatus1 = battery.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>     [[deltas]]
>>>>         rain = Atlas_rain_total
>>>>         lightning_strike_count = Atlas_strike_count
>>>> ##############################################################################
>>>> On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 1:58:17 PM UTC-5 Kevin Crivelli wrote:
>>>>> I added the line 
>>>>> lightning_distance = lightning_distance / 1.609 if 
>>>>> lightning_strike_count > 0 else None    #convert distance to miles 
>>>>> to the [StdCalibrate] [[Corrections]] section and I added your chart 
>>>>> to my graphs.conf 
>>>>> I am still getting the persistant distance of 5 miles as per the last 
>>>>> lightning distance that was recorded weeks ago. not sure where to go from 
>>>>> here but thank you for providing all of that for me. 
>>>>> [image: lightning5.JPG]
>>>>> On Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 5:09:28 PM UTC-4 Eric K wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>>>> In the graphs.conf file (Belchertown skin) I have this:
>>>>>>     [[chart6]]
>>>>>>         title = Lightning
>>>>>>         [[[lightning_strike_count]]]
>>>>>>             yAxis = 0
>>>>>>             yAxis_min = 0
>>>>>>             yAxis_tickInterval = 1
>>>>>>             yAxis_label = "Number of Strikes"
>>>>>>             stacking = normal
>>>>>>             color = "orange"
>>>>>>             lineWidth = 0
>>>>>>             [[[[marker]]]]
>>>>>>                 enabled = true
>>>>>>                 radius = 4
>>>>>>             [[[[states]]]]
>>>>>>                 [[[[[hover]]]]]
>>>>>>                         lineWidthPlus = 0                
>>>>>>         [[[lightning_distance]]]
>>>>>>             yAxis = 1
>>>>>>             yAxis_min = 0
>>>>>>             yAxis_label = "Distance (miles)"
>>>>>>             stacking = normal
>>>>>>             color = "blue"
>>>>>>             lineWidth = 0
>>>>>>             [[[[marker]]]]
>>>>>>                 enabled = true
>>>>>>                 radius = 3
>>>>>>             [[[[states]]]]
>>>>>>                 [[[[[hover]]]]]
>>>>>>                         lineWidthPlus = 0     
>>>>>> For the distance correction (conversion to miles) I have an entry in 
>>>>>> the StdCalibrate section of weewx.conf:
>>>>>> ##############################################################################
>>>>>> #   This section can adjust data using calibration expressions.
>>>>>> [StdCalibrate]
>>>>>>     [[Corrections]]
>>>>>>         # For each type, an arbitrary calibration expression can be 
>>>>>> given.
>>>>>>         # It should be in the units defined in the StdConvert section.
>>>>>>         # Example:  foo = foo + 0.2
>>>>>>         outTemp = outTemp + 0.0
>>>>>>         barometer = barometer + 1.025
>>>>>>         radiation = luminosity * 0.00789 if luminosity > 0 else None
>>>>>>         lightning_distance = lightning_distance / 1.609 if 
>>>>>> lightning_strike_count > 0 else None    #convert distance to miles
>>>>>> ##############################################################################
>>>>>> On Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 3:36:30 PM UTC-5 Kevin Crivelli wrote:
>>>>>> Eric K, could you provide the chart.conf configuration for that chart 
>>>>>> and also what ended up being the correct way to add the correction in 
>>>>>> weewx.conf? Your chart is essentially what I am trying to accomplish
>>>>>> On Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 12:36:09 PM UTC-4 Eric K wrote:
>>>>>> It's working as desired now!
>>>>>> Thanks for noticing the incorrect location of the [[Corrections]]
>>>>>> [image: lightning_distance working.JPG]
>>>>>> On Monday, May 24, 2021 at 7:39:25 AM UTC-5 gjr80 wrote:
>>>>>> I can't explain it, it would require some detailed knowledge of how 
>>>>>> the Acurite lightning sensor behaves. For example, the Ecowitt lightning 
>>>>>> sensor reports distance when strikes are detected and that distance 
>>>>>> value 
>>>>>> persists for some time before eventually reporting 0. If you had debug 
>>>>>> logging of the SDR output (as you have in the log extract above) going 
>>>>>> on 
>>>>>> for some time previous you could probably work through the log looking 
>>>>>> at 
>>>>>> the distance value being obtained by the SDR driver from the Acurite. 
>>>>>> One 
>>>>>> thing is certain though, the SDR driver was not applying the correction 
>>>>>> as 
>>>>>> the SDR driver contains no code to read those config settings. And if 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> correction was not under [StdCalibrate] [[Corrections]] then WeeWX 
>>>>>> wasn't 
>>>>>> applying the correction either.
>>>>>> Might just have to remain a mystery.
>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>> On Monday, 24 May 2021 at 07:33:56 UTC+10 Eric K wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for the pointer.  
>>>>>> I also had a [[Corrections]] sections under [StdCalibrate].
>>>>>> I just moved the lightning_distance correction to the [StdCalibrate] 
>>>>>> section.
>>>>>> We'll see if that helps.
>>>>>> Isn't it odd that it worked, when the lightning_distance was 
>>>>>> something other than 10?    
>>>>>> On Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 3:10:54 PM UTC-5 gjr80 wrote:
>>>>>> I think you might find the [[Corrections]] stanza belongs under 
>>>>>> [StdCalibrate] <> 
>>>>>> rather than the SDR driver.
>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>> On Monday, 24 May 2021 at 02:32:14 UTC+10 Eric K wrote:
>>>>>> Here's a relevant section of the log which shows the Acurite Atlas 
>>>>>> lightning sensor sending the last distance (10) reading over and over.  
>>>>>> This is expected Acurite Atlas behavior, and the reason we have to 
>>>>>> put the "if > 0 else None" statement in our [[Corrections]] section.
>>>>>> Referring back to the 5.64705882352941 value seen in my database:
>>>>>> I wonder if weewx isn't expecting a decimal reading to be in 
>>>>>> lightning_distance?
>>>>>> And that sends it into confusion?
>>>>>> May 23 10:56:24 Ubuntu20-WEEWX weewx[14069] DEBUG user.sdr: 
>>>>>> lines=['{"time" : "2021-05-23 15:56:20", "model" : "Acurite-Atlas", "id" 
>>>>>> : 
>>>>>> 17, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 0, "battery_ok" : 1, 
>>>>>> "message_type" : 
>>>>>> 38, "wind_avg_mi_h" : 4.000, "wind_dir_deg" : 190.000, "rain_in" : 
>>>>>> 2.040, 
>>>>>> "strike_count" : 45, "strike_distance" : 10, "exception" : 0, "raw_msg" 
>>>>>> : 
>>>>>> "c011668205f9cc8baab8"}\n', '{"time" : "2021-05-23 15:56:20", "model" : 
>>>>>> "Acurite-Atlas", "id" : 17, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 1, 
>>>>>> "battery_ok" : 1, "message_type" : 38, "wind_avg_mi_h" : 4.000, 
>>>>>> "wind_dir_deg" : 190.000, "rain_in" : 2.040, "strike_count" : 45, 
>>>>>> "strike_distance" : 10, "exception" : 0, "raw_msg" : 
>>>>>> "c411668205f9cc8baabc"}\n', '{"time" : "2021-05-23 15:56:20", "model" : 
>>>>>> "Acurite-Atlas", "id" : 17, "channel" : "A", "sequence_num" : 2, 
>>>>>> "battery_ok" : 1, "message_type" : 38, "wind_avg_mi_h" : 4.000, 
>>>>>> "wind_dir_deg" : 190.000, "rain_in" : 2.040, "strike_count" : 45, 
>>>>>> "strike_distance" : 10, "exception" : 0, "raw_msg" : 
>>>>>> "c811668205f9cc8baac0"}\n']
>>>>>> May 23 10:56:24 Ubuntu20-WEEWX weewx[14069] DEBUG user.sdr: 
>>>>>> packet={'windSpeed': 4.0, 'windDir': 190.0, 'Atlas_rain_total': 2.04, 
>>>>>> 'Atlas_strike_count': 45, 'lightning_distance': 10, 'windBatteryStatus': 
>>>>>> 0, 
>>>>>> 'dateTime': 1621785380, 'usUnits': 1}
>>>>>> May 23 10:56:24 Ubuntu20-WEEWX weewx[14069] DEBUG user.MQTTSubscribe: 
>>>>>> (Service) data-> final packet is 2021-05-23 10:56:20 CDT (1621785380): 
>>>>>> Atlas_rain_total: 2.04, Atlas_strike_count: 45, dateTime: 1621785380, 
>>>>>> lightning_distance: 10, lightning_strike_count: 0, rain: 0.0, usUnits: 
>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>> windBatteryStatus: 0, windDir: 190.0, windSpeed: 4.0
>>>>>> May 23 10:56:24 Ubuntu20-WEEWX weewx[14069] DEBUG user.sdr: 
>>>>>> packet={'windSpeed': 4.0, 'windDir': 190.0, 'Atlas_rain_total': 2.04, 
>>>>>> 'Atlas_strike_count': 45, 'lightning_distance': 10, 'windBatteryStatus': 
>>>>>> 0, 
>>>>>> 'dateTime': 1621785380, 'usUnits': 1}
>>>>>> May 23 10:56:24 Ubuntu20-WEEWX weewx[14069] DEBUG user.MQTTSubscribe: 
>>>>>> (Service) data-> final packet is 2021-05-23 10:56:20 CDT (1621785380): 
>>>>>> Atlas_rain_total: 2.04, Atlas_strike_count: 45, dateTime: 1621785380, 
>>>>>> lightning_distance: 10, lightning_strike_count: 0, rain: 0.0, usUnits: 
>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>> windBatteryStatus: 0, windDir: 190.0, windSpeed: 4.0
>>>>>> May 23 10:56:24 Ubuntu20-WEEWX weewx[14069] DEBUG user.sdr: 
>>>>>> packet={'windSpeed': 4.0, 'windDir': 190.0, 'Atlas_rain_total': 2.04, 
>>>>>> 'Atlas_strike_count': 45, 'lightning_distance': 10, 'windBatteryStatus': 
>>>>>> 0, 
>>>>>> 'dateTime': 1621785380, 'usUnits': 1}
>>>>>> May 23 10:56:24 Ubuntu20-WEEWX weewx[14069] DEBUG user.MQTTSubscribe: 
>>>>>> (Service) data-> final packet is 2021-05-23 10:56:20 CDT (1621785380): 
>>>>>> Atlas_rain_total: 2.04, Atlas_strike_count: 45, dateTime: 1621785380, 
>>>>>> lightning_distance: 10, lightning_strike_count: 0, rain: 0.0, usUnits: 
>>>>>> 1, 
>>>>>> windBatteryStatus: 0, windDir: 190.0, windSpeed: 4.0
>>>>>> May 23 10:56:27 Ubuntu20-WEEWX weewx[14069] DEBUG user.sdr: lines=[]
>>>>>> May 23 10:56:29 Ubuntu20-WEEWX weewx[14069] DEBUG user.MQTTSubscribe: 
>>>>>> (Service) MessageCallbackProvider data-> incoming topic: 
>>>>>> tele/BMP280/SENSOR, QOS: 0, retain: 0, payload: 
>>>>>> b'{"Time":"2021-05-23T10:56:30","BMP280":{"Temperature":20.2,"Pressure":985.1},"PressureUnit":"hPa","TempUnit":"C"}'
>>>>>> May 23 10:56:29 Ubuntu20-WEEWX weewx[14069] DEBUG user.MQTTSubscribe: 
>>>>>> (Service) TopicManager data-> incoming tele/BMP280/SENSOR: appTemp1: 
>>>>>> 20.2, 
>>>>>> barometer: 985.1
>>>>>> On Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 11:19:26 AM UTC-5 Eric K wrote:
>>>>>> I am seeing a weird problem with the lightning distance value, where 
>>>>>> the distance gets stuck reporting 10!
>>>>>> I copied the [[Corrections]] scheme shown earlier in this thread.  
>>>>>> I'm pretty sure I got it right, because it works most of the time.
>>>>>> ##############################################################################
>>>>>> [SDR]
>>>>>>     # This section is for the software-defined radio driver.
>>>>>>     # collect data from Acurite Atlas sensor
>>>>>>     # The driver to use
>>>>>>     driver = user.sdr
>>>>>>     cmd = rtl_433 -R 40 -M utc -F json
>>>>>>     [[sensor_map]]
>>>>>>         outTemp = temperature.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>>>         outHumidity = humidity.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>>>         windSpeed = wind_speed.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>>>         windDir = wind_dir.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>>>         UV = uv.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>>>         luminosity = lux.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>>>         Atlas_rain_total = rain_total.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>>>         Atlas_strike_count = strike_count.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>>>         lightning_distance = strike_distance.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>>>         windBatteryStatus = battery.0011.AcuriteAtlasPacket
>>>>>>     [[deltas]]
>>>>>>         rain = Atlas_rain_total
>>>>>>         lightning_strike_count = Atlas_strike_count
>>>>>>     [[Corrections]]
>>>>>>         lightning_distance = lightning_distance if 
>>>>>> lightning_strike_count > 0 else None
>>>>>> ##############################################################################
>>>>>> But, I've now seen several storms with lightning and and the 
>>>>>> lightinig_distance value gets stuck reporting 10 forever after!
>>>>>> I see the 10 repeating in the database, so I believe that weewx is 
>>>>>> generating that number and sending it into the database.
>>>>>> Here's a look in the database using DB Browser for SQLite.  
>>>>>> Note how a distance value of 5.64705882352941 from the Acurite Atlas 
>>>>>> appears and then it's 10 thereafter.
>>>>>> You can see the lightning_strike_count is zero.  
>>>>>> The "else None" part of the condition statement appears to stop 
>>>>>> working?
>>>>>> [image: ksnip_20210523-111132.png]
>>>>>> On Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 5:55:55 AM UTC-5 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you for the detailed explanation Gary! I have added the 
>>>>>> [Accumulator] section to my weewx.conf for lightning_strike_count -> 
>>>>>> extractor = sum and lightning_distance -> extractor = min. Now to wait 
>>>>>> for 
>>>>>> another storm.
>>>>>> -Troy 
>>>>>> -- 
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