Hi - 

I'm hoping someone can help me get my weewx install working again. 

Some time ago (last April) weewx stopped updating my web page. [Many things 
have been going on and I am only now and able to get to this.] There might 
have been a Mac OS update at that time; however, I simply don't know. The 
weewx.log file is showing the error message "AttributeError: tuype object 
'ImageDraw' has no attribute 'textsize'". 

I've updated my weewx installation to 4.9.1 and am using the vanilla 
weewx.conf file with the minimum system (Vantage) configuration: i.e., no 
special skins, etc. The weewx.log file shows the same error. 

To my untrained eye I've checked that my python3 installation is complete, 
at least as far as packages specified in the docs go. 

Attached are
* the section of the weewx.log file for the most recent weewx run; 
* the [Station] section of the weewx.conf file

I'm running Vantage Vue h/w (2018) with an old-style weatherlink console 
connected to my desktop over ethernet via a Davis datalogger (also 2018 

Thanks much for any help/guidance. 

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weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.drivers.vantage: Getting archive packets since 
2023-07-02 14:30:00 MDT (1688329800)
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.drivers.vantage: Gentle wake up of console successful
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.drivers.vantage: Retrieving 1 page(s); starting index= 3
weewx[6831] INFO weewx.manager: Added record 2023-07-02 15:00:00 MDT 
(1688331600) to database 'weewx.sdb'
weewx[6831] INFO weewx.manager: Added record 2023-07-02 15:00:00 MDT 
(1688331600) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.drivers.vantage: DMPAFT complete: page timestamp 
2023-05-10 06:00:00 MDT (1683720000) less than final timestamp 2023-07-02 
15:00:00 MDT (1688331600)
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.drivers.vantage: Catch up complete.
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Running reports for latest time in the 
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.drivers.vantage: Requesting 200 LOOP packets.
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Running report 'SeasonsReport'
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Found configuration file 
/Users/Shared/weewx/skins/Seasons/skin.conf for report 'SeasonsReport'
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Cannot read localization file 
/Users/Shared/weewx/skins/Seasons/lang/en.conf for report 'SeasonsReport': 
Config file not found: "/Users/Shared/weewx/skins/Seasons/lang/en.conf".
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: **** Using defaults instead.
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.cheetahgenerator: Using search list 
['weewx.cheetahgenerator.Almanac', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Current', 
'weewx.cheetahgenerator.DisplayOptions', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Extras', 
'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Gettext', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.JSONHelpers', 
'weewx.cheetahgenerator.PlotInfo', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.SkinInfo', 
'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Station', 'weewx.cheetahgenerator.Stats', 
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily summary version is 4.0
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.drivers.vantage: Gentle wake up of console successful
weewx[6831] INFO weewx.cheetahgenerator: Generated 8 files for report 
SeasonsReport in 0.59 seconds
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.manager: Daily summary version is 4.0
weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine: Caught unrecoverable exception in 
generator 'weewx.imagegenerator.ImageGenerator'
weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****  type object 'ImageDraw' has 
no attribute 'textsize'
weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****  Traceback (most recent call 

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****    File 
"/Users/Shared/weewx/bin/weewx/reportengine.py", line 197, in run

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****      obj.start()

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****    File 
"/Users/Shared/weewx/bin/weewx/reportengine.py", line 385, in start

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****      self.run()

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****    File 
"/Users/Shared/weewx/bin/weewx/imagegenerator.py", line 42, in run

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****      

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****    File 
"/Users/Shared/weewx/bin/weewx/imagegenerator.py", line 114, in gen_images

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****      image = plot.render()

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****    File 
"/Users/Shared/weewx/bin/weeplot/genplot.py", line 212, in render

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****      self._renderBottom(draw)

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****    File 
"/Users/Shared/weewx/bin/weeplot/genplot.py", line 404, in _renderBottom

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****      bottom_label_size = 
draw.textsize(self.bottom_label, font=bottom_label_font)

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****    File 
"/Users/Shared/weewx/bin/weeplot/genplot.py", line 646, in textsize

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****      return 
ImageDraw.ImageDraw.textsize(self, string, **options)

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****  AttributeError: type object 
'ImageDraw' has no attribute 'textsize'

weewx[6831] ERROR weewx.reportengine:         ****  Generator terminated
weewx[6831] INFO weewx.reportengine: Copied 5 files to 
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Report 'SmartphoneReport' not enabled. 
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Report 'MobileReport' not enabled. 
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Report 'StandardReport' not enabled. 
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Report 'FTP' not enabled. Skipping.
weewx[6831] DEBUG weewx.reportengine: Report 'RSYNC' not enabled. Skipping.


#   This section is for information about the station.


    # Description of the station location
    location = "Eldorado at Santa Fe, New Mexico"

    # Latitude in decimal degrees. Negative for southern hemisphere
    latitude = 35.5219
    # Longitude in decimal degrees. Negative for western hemisphere.
    longitude = -105.9586

    # Altitude of the station, with the unit it is in. This is used only
    # if the hardware cannot supply a value.
    altitude = 1996, meter    # Choose 'foot' or 'meter' for unit

    # Set to type of station hardware. There must be a corresponding stanza
    # in this file, which includes a value for the 'driver' option.
    station_type = Vantage

    # If you have a website, you may specify an URL. This is required if you
    # intend to register your station.
    station_url = http://quedo.dynu.net/weewx

    # The start of the rain year (1=January; 10=October, etc.). This is
    # downloaded from the station if the hardware supports it.
    rain_year_start = 1

    # Start of week (0=Monday, 6=Sunday)
    week_start = 6

        # This section is for the Davis Vantage series of weather stations.

        # Connection type: serial or ethernet
        #  serial (the classic VantagePro)
        #  ethernet (the WeatherLinkIP or Serial-Ethernet bridge)
        type = ethernet

        # If the connection type is ethernet, an IP Address/hostname is 
        host =

        # The driver to use:
        driver = weewx.drivers.vantage

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