Yes that fixed it.

On Friday, 18 August 2023 at 09:57:42 UTC+10 David Bätge wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> you are referring to the heading on the month page "/month.html" and the 
> month-archive pages, eg "/month-2021-07.html", right?
> These Headings at the top of the page use the same format, both use the 
> setting defined in skin.conf [Units][[TimeFormats]]month (see 
> ):
> [Units]
>     [[TimeFormats]]
>         # @see
>         day        = %X
>         week       = %x
>         month      = %x
>         year       = %x
>         rainyear   = %x
>         current    = %x %X
>         ephem_day  = %X
>         ephem_year = %x
>         stats      = %x %X
>         daily_archive = %Y-%m-%d
> There was a change in the date format in one of the latest releases if I 
> remember correctly. There is a chance that your month archive pages use the 
> old format. This could be the case since these archive pages do not get 
> regenerated after the given archive period (even if templates or configs 
> are changed).
> To make sure this is not the case, please remove all month archive pages, 
> and wait for the next wee_report run or start the run by yourself.
> rm -rf /var/www/html/weewx/month*
> Greg from Oz schrieb am Donnerstag, 17. August 2023 um 05:01:58 UTC+2:
>> Hi,
>> I have noticed the date format in the headings when I select day, 
>> yesterday,week,month,year are correct to how I want them. IE dd/mm/yyy
>> Like this:
>> Monthly Weather Conditions
>> 01/08/23 00:00:00 - 31/08/23 23:59:59 
>> But if I go to the Archive and NOAA sidebar and pick something then the 
>> date format changes to the US format mm/dd/yyy
>> Like this:
>> Monthly Weather Conditions 
>> 01/01/2023 12:00:00 AM - 01/31/2023 11:59:59 PM
>> I have looked through the skin and tmpl files but cannot see anything 
>> that I can change.
>> I have noticed it looks like it picks up the date formatting from 
>> daily_archive 
>> = %Y-%m-%d in the skin but if that is so I would have expected the format 
>> to be yyyy/mm/dd which I would like as it is international ISO standard.
>> Where is the format for the date set?
>> Thanks

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