On a new Mac, and I’m getting the following:

AttributeError: type object 'ImageDraw' has no attribute 'textsize'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/Shared/weewx-4.10.2/bin/weewx/reportengine.py", line 197, in run
  File "/Users/Shared/weewx-4.10.2/bin/weewx/reportengine.py", line 385, in 
  File "/Users/Shared/weewx-4.10.2/bin/weewx/imagegenerator.py", line 42, in run
  File "/Users/Shared/weewx-4.10.2/bin/weewx/imagegenerator.py", line 114, in 
    image = plot.render()
  File "/Users/Shared/weewx-4.10.2/bin/weeplot/genplot.py", line 212, in render
  File "/Users/Shared/weewx-4.10.2/bin/weeplot/genplot.py", line 404, in 
    bottom_label_size = draw.textsize(self.bottom_label, font=bottom_label_font)
  File "/Users/Shared/weewx-4.10.2/bin/weeplot/genplot.py", line 646, in 
    return ImageDraw.ImageDraw.textsize(self, string, **options)

Highs, lows look fine.

Loop packets appear OK:
LOOP:   2023-08-25 14:40:56 PDT (1692999656) 'altimeter': '29.931', 'appTemp': 
'88.20251678811093', 'bar_reduction': '2', 'barometer': '29.897', 'cloudbase': 
'4570.074962495151', 'dateTime': '1692999656', 'dayET': '0.0', 'dayRain': 
'0.0', 'dewpoint': '67.0', 'ET': 'None', 'heatindex': '87.0', 'hourRain': 
'0.0', 'humidex': '96.5974355268055', 'inDewpoint': '63.14965844190338', 
'inHumidity': '56.0', 'inTemp': '80.3', 'maxSolarRad': '856.5713445507906', 
'outHumidity': '58.0', 'outTemp': '83.6', 'pressure': '29.023', 'pressure_raw': 
'29.023', 'rain': '0.0', 'rain15': '0.0', 'rain24': '0.0', 'rainRate': '0.0', 
'stormRain': '0.0', 'trendIcon': '-20', 'usUnits': '1', 'windchill': '84.0', 
'windDir': '296.0', 'windGust': '8.0', 'windGust10': '11.0', 'windGustDir': 
'277.0', 'windGustDir10': '270.0', 'windrun': 'None', 'windSpeed': '3.0', 
'windSpeed2': '4.0', 'windSpeed10': '5.6'
LOOP:   2023-08-25 14:40:58 PDT (1692999658) 'altimeter': '29.931', 'appTemp': 
'88.20251678811093', 'bar_reduction': '2', 'barometer': '29.897', 'cloudbase': 
'4570.074962495151', 'dateTime': '1692999658', 'dayET': '0.0', 'dayRain': 
'0.0', 'dewpoint': '67.0', 'ET': 'None', 'heatindex': '87.0', 'hourRain': 
'0.0', 'humidex': '96.5974355268055', 'inDewpoint': '63.14965844190338', 
'inHumidity': '56.0', 'inTemp': '80.3', 'maxSolarRad': '856.4989148817249', 
'outHumidity': '58.0', 'outTemp': '83.6', 'pressure': '29.023', 'pressure_raw': 
'29.023', 'rain': '0.0', 'rain15': '0.0', 'rain24': '0.0', 'rainRate': '0.0', 
'stormRain': '0.0', 'trendIcon': '-20', 'usUnits': '1', 'windchill': '84.0', 
'windDir': '296.0', 'windGust': '8.0', 'windGust10': '11.0', 'windGustDir': 
'277.0', 'windGustDir10': '270.0', 'windrun': 'None', 'windSpeed': '3.0', 
'windSpeed2': '4.0', 'windSpeed10': ‘5.6'

So I’m not generating any images.


...well over half of the time you spend working on a project (on the order of 
70 percent)
is spent thinking, and no tool, no matter how advanced, can think for you.
Consequently, even if a tool did everything except the thinking for you -- if 
it wrote 100 percent of the code,
wrote 100 percent of the documentation, did 100 percent of the testing, burned 
the CD-ROMs,
put them in boxes, and mailed them to your customers -- the best you could hope 
for would
be a 30 percent improvement in productivity. In order to do better than that, 
you have to
change the way you think.
            --Fred Brooks
David Barto

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