I had thought I had installed 5.0 a few weeks ago, and was running in test mode on a newly formatted SD card on a Rasp Pi 4.

When I looked at the display page down at the bottom in About This Weather Station it said version 4.10.x

I reinstalled the SD card and  updated the Rasp OS, and then went to


and used cut and paste to insert the line by line commands into the RaspOS Terminal window.

Not a problem, and it came up and was running but when I checked the About section, the version remained 4.10.x

I went to the Wiki and got the same link to the page I used to install.  I looked for Version 5.0 and beta and got either a 404 page not found with another Google hit, and off Github, I got again the same install listings.

I'm wondering if Version 5.0 beta has been linked to in a different area.

I would like to try it, even in beta state, and can format my Pi SD card easily, so as to not leave any tracks to old versions on the card.

Does this ring a bell to the developers or should I capture the log (which I think only reflects the start up of WeeWx when it does) or is there another helpful log file which I might look to in order to see why 4.10 keeps being chosen to install rather than 5?

Thanks  Dale

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