No need to be gentle, Tom.  My approach was probably the most complicated 
(worst?) solution possible.  Without going into detail, when I was working, 
I messed up a mission-critical Oracle database by trying to change 
something I didn't understand. I can program fairly well, but I'm still 
paranoid about databases!  So, I need to get my head around adding fields 
to the weeWX database and not devise these complex ways to avoid touching 
it.  :-)

On Friday, January 19, 2024 at 10:55:50 AM UTC-4 Tom Keffer wrote:

> I mean this in the gentlest way, but this is basically what the SQLite 
> database is doing for you: saving various values in a file where they can 
> be retrieved via a general query statement.
> On Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 6:16 AM WindnFog <> wrote:
>> I encountered the same problem trying to calculate the all time humidex 
>> in the index.html.tmpl template.  This was taking about 3 minutes on a Pi 
>> 4. Rather than add humidex to the database (probably the best solution), I 
>> calculated all-time humidex once a day using a small program and invoking 
>> it with cron. I saved it in a text file that I could then use the Cheetah 
>> include statement to read it into index.the html.tmpl template.  This runs 
>> in 2 seconds on a Pi 4 and 1 second on a pi 5; if you have an algorithm for 
>> appTemp, a similar approach might work.  I was not comfortable with 
>> modifying the database because that's not my area of expertise:
>> #!/usr/bin/env python3
>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>> """
>> Program:        WeeWX Humidex calculator
>> Author:         Paul M Dunphy
>> Date:           12 December 2023
>> Version:        1.0.0
>> Description:    This script sweeps through the Weewx database and 
>> calculates the 
>>                 derived parameter humidex for each record.  It then 
>> returns the
>>                 maximum humidex and the date/time when it occured.  This 
>> takes
>>                 about 1.5 seconds on a 900,000 record database as opposed 
>> to 3.5
>>                 minutes by the WeeWX system if the recommended aggregate 
>> values
>>                 are implemented in the Standard/index.html.tmpl file:
>>                 $alltime.humidex.max ($alltime.humidex.max.degree_F) 
>>                 $alltime.humidex.maxtime.format($ALLTIMEFMT)
>>                 It's not clear why the weeWX system takes so long.  
>> Possibly
>>                 because it's doing many other things at the same time.  
>>                 This runs on a Raspberry Pi 4B (4 GB Ram) using Debian 12
>> """
>> # Required Libraries
>> import sqlite3
>> import math
>> from datetime import datetime
>> import pytz
>> from pytz import timezone
>> def calculate_humidex(temperature, dewpoint):
>>     # Constants for the formula
>>     k = 273.15  # Conversion factor for Celsius to Kelvin
>>     # Convert temperatures to Kelvin
>>     temperature + k
>>     dewpoint_k = dewpoint + k
>>     # Calculate vapor pressure in hPa
>>     vapor_pressure = 6.112 * math.exp(5417.7530 * ((1 / 273.16) - (1 / 
>> dewpoint_k)))
>>     # Humidex calculation
>>     humidex = temperature + ((vapor_pressure - 10) * 0.5555)
>>     return humidex
>> def get_max_humidex(database_path):
>>     # Connect to the WeeWX database
>>     conn = sqlite3.connect(database_path)
>>     cursor = conn.cursor()
>>     # Query for temperature, dewpoint, and dateTime for all records
>>     query = "SELECT outTemp, dewpoint, dateTime FROM archive"
>>     cursor.execute(query)
>>     # Variables to track the maximum humidex and its date
>>     maximum_humidex = None
>>     maximum_humidex_date = None
>>     for row in cursor:
>>         temperature, dewpoint, date_time = row
>>         if temperature is not None and dewpoint is not None:
>>             humidex = calculate_humidex(temperature, dewpoint)
>>             if maximum_humidex is None or humidex > maximum_humidex:
>>                 maximum_humidex = humidex
>>                 maximum_humidex_date = date_time
>>     conn.close()
>>     return maximum_humidex, maximum_humidex_date
>> def convert_utc_to_ast_adt(utc_datetime):
>>     """
>>     Convert a UTC datetime to AST or ADT depending on the date.
>>     Parameters:
>>     utc_datetime (datetime): UTC datetime object.
>>     Returns:
>>     datetime: Datetime object in AST or ADT.
>>     """
>>     # Define the time zone for AST/ADT
>>     ast_tz = timezone('America/Halifax')
>>     # Localize the UTC datetime to the AST/ADT timezone
>>     local_datetime = ast_tz.normalize(utc_datetime.astimezone(ast_tz))
>>     return local_datetime
>> def format_date(unix_timestamp):
>>     """
>>     Format a UNIX timestamp into a human-readable string in AST or ADT.
>>     Parameters:
>>     unix_timestamp (int): UNIX timestamp.
>>     Returns:
>>     str: Formatted date string.
>>     """
>>     # Create a UTC datetime from the UNIX timestamp
>>     utc_datetime = 
>> datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_timestamp).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
>>     # Convert UTC to AST or ADT
>>     local_datetime = convert_utc_to_ast_adt(utc_datetime)
>>     # Format the local datetime
>>     return local_datetime.strftime("%I:%M %p on %d %b %Y")
>> db_path = '/home/pdunphy/weewx-data/archive/weewx.sdb'
>> max_humidex, max_humidex_date = get_max_humidex(db_path)
>> # Convert Humidex to Fahrenheit
>> max_humidex_f = max_humidex * 9 / 5 + 32
>> # Format and print the result
>> print(f"{max_humidex:.1f} C ({max_humidex_f:.1f} F) at 
>> {format_date(max_humidex_date)}")
>> # Format the result
>> output = f"{max_humidex:.1f} C ({max_humidex_f:.1f} F) at 
>> {format_date(max_humidex_date)}"
>> # Write the result to a file
>> output_file_path = 
>> '/home/pdunphy/weewx-data/skins/Standard/Standard_all_time_humidex.txt'
>> with open(output_file_path, 'w') as file:
>>     file.write(output)
>> print(f"Output written to {output_file_path}") 
>> On Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 7:12:14 PM UTC-4 Tom Keffer wrote:
>>> Using Blaine's database, I was able to isolate the performance problems.
>>> It's in the template records/index.html.tmpl
>>> Specifically, apparent temperature (appTemp). It does not appear in the 
>>> database, so a simple tag such as $alltime.appTemp.max requires searching 
>>> the engine database, calculating apparent temperature for each record, then 
>>> finding the max value.
>>> In V4, this would not have even been attempted.
>>> The solution is to add appTemp to the database. 
>>> On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 1:33 PM vince <> wrote:
>>>> Tom - the NOAA stuff builds from this db ok for me v5 pip on pi3+.  
>>>> The Seasons skin NOAA file for 2024-01 'is' being updated every archive 
>>>> period.
>>>> The historical files dating back to 2014 generated fine.
>>>> Unrelated but interesting.....
>>>>    - this db shows the Belchertown taking too long issue
>>>>    - running htop I see it peg two cpus and StdReport aborts due to 
>>>>    time vs. the Simulator 300 sec on a pi3+
>>>>    - Belchertown 'always' takes longer than 300 secs and weewx always 
>>>>    aborts due to StdReport not completing in 300 secs
>>>>    - yet the same installation with 'my' db works fine with no issues, 
>>>>    so it 'has' to be content of the db being used doesn't it ?
>>>>    - I have been unable to get Belchertown to succeed even at 600 secs 
>>>>    archive period.
>>>> Question - why would the db be 'locked' if a skin is reading it in 
>>>> order to process its contents ??????
>>>> last restart/failure...
>>>> Jan 18 13:15:10 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO __main__: Starting up weewx 
>>>> version 5.0.0
>>>> Jan 18 13:15:10 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.engine: Clock error is 
>>>> -0.21 seconds (positive is fast)
>>>> Jan 18 13:15:10 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.engine: Using binding 
>>>> 'wx_binding' to database 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> Jan 18 13:15:10 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.manager: Starting 
>>>> backfill of daily summaries
>>>> Jan 18 13:15:10 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.manager: Daily 
>>>> summaries up to date
>>>> Jan 18 13:15:10 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.engine: Starting main 
>>>> packet loop.
>>>> Jan 18 13:20:15 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.manager: Added record 
>>>> 2024-01-18 13:20:00 PST (1705612800) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> Jan 18 13:20:15 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.manager: Added record 
>>>> 2024-01-18 13:20:00 PST (1705612800) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> Jan 18 13:20:19 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.cheetahgenerator: 
>>>> Generated 8 files for report SeasonsReport in 3.96 seconds
>>>> Jan 18 13:20:24 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.imagegenerator: 
>>>> Generated 30 images for report SeasonsReport in 4.80 seconds
>>>> Jan 18 13:20:24 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.reportengine: Copied 5 
>>>> files to /home/pi/weewx-data/public_html
>>>> Jan 18 13:20:24 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO user.belchertown: version 
>>>> 1.3.1
>>>> Jan 18 13:30:15 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.manager: Added record 
>>>> 2024-01-18 13:30:00 PST (1705613400) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> Jan 18 13:30:15 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.manager: Added record 
>>>> 2024-01-18 13:30:00 PST (1705613400) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> Jan 18 13:30:20 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.engine: Main loop 
>>>> exiting. Shutting engine down.
>>>> Jan 18 13:30:20 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.engine: Shutting down 
>>>> StdReport thread
>>>> Jan 18 13:30:40 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: ERROR weewx.engine: Unable to 
>>>> shut down StdReport thread
>>>> Jan 18 13:30:40 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: CRITICAL __main__: Database 
>>>> OperationalError exception: database is locked
>>>> Jan 18 13:30:40 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: CRITICAL __main__:     **** 
>>>>  Waiting 2 minutes then retrying...
>>>> Jan 18 13:30:42 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.cheetahgenerator: 
>>>> Generated 12 files for report Belchertown in 617.64 seconds
>>>> Jan 18 13:30:42 pi3plus weewxd[1756]: INFO weewx.reportengine: Copied 
>>>> 40 files to /home/pi/weewx-data/public_html/belchertown
>>>> weewx related open files:
>>>> pi@pi3plus:~/weewx-data $ lsof|grep weew
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>>  217360     272588 
>>>> /home/pi/weewx-data/skins/Seasons/font/OpenSans-Regular.ttf
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>>  224592     272587 /home/pi/weewx-data/skins/Seasons/font/OpenSans-Bold.ttf
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>> 1630340     271670 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/_
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>> 2528660     271317 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ephem/_
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2     
>>>> 56296     271675 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/_
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2     
>>>> 93216     271673 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/_
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2     
>>>> 45064     271812 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/Cheetah/_
>>>> When its cpus are pegged trying to process Belchertown:
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  cwd       DIR      179,2     
>>>>  4096     272808 /home/pi/weewx-data/skins/Belchertown
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>>  217360     272588 
>>>> /home/pi/weewx-data/skins/Seasons/font/OpenSans-Regular.ttf
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>>  224592     272587 /home/pi/weewx-data/skins/Seasons/font/OpenSans-Bold.ttf
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>> 1630340     271670 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/_
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>> 2528660     271317 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ephem/_
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2     
>>>> 56296     271675 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/_
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2     
>>>> 93216     271673 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/_
>>>> python3   1633                        pi  mem       REG      179,2     
>>>> 45064     271812 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/Cheetah/_
>>>> python3   1633                        pi    4uw     REG      179,2 
>>>> 163410944      41497 /home/pi/weewx-data/archive/weewx.sdb
>>>> python3   1633                        pi    5uw     REG      179,2 
>>>> 163410944      41497 /home/pi/weewx-data/archive/weewx.sdb
>>>> python3   1633                        pi    6u      REG      179,2     
>>>> 87200     275903 /home/pi/weewx-data/archive/weewx.sdb-journal
>>>> python3   1633 1853 python3           pi  cwd       DIR      179,2     
>>>>  4096     272808 /home/pi/weewx-data/skins/Belchertown
>>>> python3   1633 1853 python3           pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>>  217360     272588 
>>>> /home/pi/weewx-data/skins/Seasons/font/OpenSans-Regular.ttf
>>>> python3   1633 1853 python3           pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>>  224592     272587 /home/pi/weewx-data/skins/Seasons/font/OpenSans-Bold.ttf
>>>> python3   1633 1853 python3           pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>> 1630340     271670 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/_
>>>> python3   1633 1853 python3           pi  mem       REG      179,2   
>>>> 2528660     271317 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ephem/_
>>>> python3   1633 1853 python3           pi  mem       REG      179,2     
>>>> 56296     271675 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/_
>>>> python3   1633 1853 python3           pi  mem       REG      179,2     
>>>> 93216     271673 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PIL/_
>>>> python3   1633 1853 python3           pi  mem       REG      179,2     
>>>> 45064     271812 /home/pi/weewx-venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/Cheetah/_
>>>> python3   1633 1853 python3           pi    4uw     REG      179,2 
>>>> 163410944      41497 /home/pi/weewx-data/archive/weewx.sdb
>>>> python3   1633 1853 python3           pi    5uw     REG      179,2 
>>>> 163410944      41497 /home/pi/weewx-data/archive/weewx.sdb
>>>> python3   1633 1853 python3           pi    6u      REG      179,2     
>>>> 87200     275903 /home/pi/weewx-data/archive/weewx.sdb-journal
>>>> On Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 12:18:18 PM UTC-8 Blaine wrote:
>>>>> Thank you for the reply! Yes, I have tried this many times. It 
>>>>> continues to regenerate them with the missing data.
>>>>> On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 6:29:41 PM UTC-8 Tom Keffer wrote:
>>>>> Have you tried completely deleting all NOAA reports and letting weewx 
>>>>> regenerate them?
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 9:32 AM Blaine <> wrote:
>>>>> Way back in 2020 my NOAA reports stopped populating their daily 
>>>>> values. The average values for the month continue to be populated at the 
>>>>> bottom of the table. Since 2020 every year or so I have spent hours 
>>>>> banging 
>>>>> my head against the wall following any and all instructions on the wiki, 
>>>>> github, google and this user group to attempt to repair this issue. None 
>>>>> of 
>>>>> the published instructions seem to help. I have never been successful.
>>>>> If this is a problem that can be solved I would be more than happy to 
>>>>> pay someone to help fix this issue knowing full well there are no 
>>>>> guarantees recovery is possible. This data is important to me and having 
>>>>> essentially lost years worth with no chance of recovery is a real bummer.
>>>>> -- 
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>>>>> -- 
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