I am doing something similar using my NAS.

I have mounted the NAS and then created symbolic links to the appropriately 
named folders or directories on the NAS. When mounting the NAS, I needed to 
make sure that the permissions were correct for weewx which was eventually 
quite simple to achieve. If you are mounting the complete drive via say USB 
then it should be simple, just remember to create the appropriate 
directories and make sure the permissions are set correctly.

Best of luck..


On Monday 1 April 2024 at 13:54:43 UTC+1 Ben W. wrote:

> Hello!
> My setup is slowly coming together. Currently, I am able to see the data 
> on my local network via browser at I feel pretty 
> accomplished so far, but I know I have a long ways to go. Before I get too 
> far, my intent is to use my attached external hard drive to store the data 
> for WeeWx. I'm pretty sure the data is being saved to the microSD card 
> right now.
> Would someone be able to direct me on how to move the database to my 
> external drive and instruct WeeWx to use that location going forward?
> I installed WeeWX V5 using 'apt' and the instructions here: 
> https://weewx.com/docs/5.0/quickstarts/debian/
> What I'm using:
> Ambient Weather WS-5000 weather station
> Ecowitt GW1100 hub
> RPi 5 8GB "headless"
> 2TB HDD drive
> Thanks!

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