> I just tested last revision 10240 on WindowsXP  , in the config audio page,
> no speex . Is speex included in all platforms ?
Yep, speex is included in all plateforms, actually speex's name is replaced by 
G726-64wb/16000 (Wengo network specific issue)
I'll add a gui hack to present speex to the end user, thanks for this.

> I've Checked in program files , but no speex Dlls , maybe it found my
> already present speex in C:\windows\system32 ?  I guess No
Our speex share library is called (lib)phspeexplugin.[so|dll] and is a dynamic 
plugin for phapi (like phamrplugin)

Mathieu Stute <mathieu.stute(at)wengo.com>
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