Dnia czwartek 20 grudzień 2007, John Draper napisał(a):
> giopas wrote:
> > Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> You probably noticed development on the WengoPhone has considerably
> >> slowed down those days, to the point were it looks frozen.
> >>
> >> There is a reason for that situation.
> >>
> >> You may have realized that Wengo has switched to another activity in
> >> the last months. If you visit http://wengo.com you won't find any
> >> reference to the WengoPhone product. Wengo is now focusing on
> >> creating an online knowledge market place.
> >>
> >> For a while the company has been able to financially support both the
> >> marketplace and WengoPhone activities, but it's not the case anymore.
> >> For financial reasons, Wengo had to stop the WengoPhone activity. As
> >> a result, all OpenWengo community members working for Wengo on the
> >> WengoPhone had to leave the company.
> >>
> >> A few of us considered creating our own company to continue the
> >> WengoPhone activity, but it didn't work out for different reasons.
> >>
> >> I think it was about time to let you know about that sad situation.
> >>
> >> As far as I am concerned, I currently lack the motivation to go on
> >> and continue contributing to this project. I learnt to never say
> >> never though, so I am not saying I won't come back. Just not for now.
> >>
> >> In case you are interested, this means I am available for hire. We
> >> can discuss this privately if you want to.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Aurélien
> >
> > Salut Aurélien,
> >
> > I'm really shocked about that news, and I can't figure out how Wengo
> > could dismiss such a project (and all developers) for an "online
> > knowledge market place"!
> >
> > That's it: an "online knowledge market place" seems to me no more than
> > a "camouflaged hot-line". Infact, I can't find a better definition for
> > a "relationship consultant", a "brainstormer", or a
> > "clairvoyanceonline" service!
> >
> > I'm astonished! :-!
> >
> > You know, every European company is trying to cut a voip/sip market
> > share out during last months (or even years)... but wengo decided to
> > loose all its comparative knowldge advantage in order to create an
> > illusionary web2.0 [¹]... just IMHO a suicide!
> >
> > At least, I hope that this was originated by economic problems...
> >
> > Anyway, having a look at Patrick Amiel (Wengo's Marketing Director)
> > interview[²], I understand that wengo would like to take profit of the
> > voip infrastructure in order to offer an "added value" service... Ok,
> > ok... but how many of you will pay 5.00€/Call + 0.30€/min for (i.e.) a
> > Linux expert, whereas you can get for free all over the Net?
> >
> > No problem, it's just a business strategy choice...
> >
> > But, what about a new project?
> >
> >> A few of us considered creating our own company to continue the
> >> WengoPhone activity, but it didn't work out for different reasons.
> >
> > What went wrong? I know that is really frustrating to see that
> > everything you did is now considered no more than peanuts by your
> > (former?)company... but, just consider to take profit from o.s.
> > community and all related companies and their willingness to help you
> > going ahead.
> >
> > Maybe you have just to create a new "manifesto" (and internet site)
> > claiming for "fresh" developers and sponsors, and hopefully you will
> > see your (and our) "baby" grow up again...
> >
> > Just my 2€cs.
> >
> > Best regards,  ;-)
> > giopas (just a useless user)
> >
> >
> > ps: bonnes fetes...
> >
> > [¹] http://www.neteco.com/84420-priceminister-wengo-lancent-hotline.html
> > [²] http://www.neteco.com/89052-patrick-amiel-wengo.html
> yet another blow for the Open Source VIOP development community...  this
> totally sucks...  WengoPhone was one of the very few organizations to
> openly support the Macintosh.
> We were strongly considering using it for our company.   Now we have to
> look elsewhere unless another support community erupts to take the
> place.   I'll remain on the mailing list until it goes away,  in the
> hopes of some furure announcement that some other people might take up
> the cause.

Wait a minute - are the devs just being laid-off, or is the whole community 
being laid-off? Are the webpages, the repositories, the documentation, etc., 
being pulled back and sent to oblivion, or is Wengo just ending the financial 
support to the devs?

If the community stays, it should be viable to continue the project. Maybe not 
so fast, maybe not so well-designed and roadmapped, ect., but hey, we have 
the repos, we have the docs and wikis, let's get messy with the code, shall 

So the big question is as above - are the repos, docs, wikis, forums, etc., 
staying online?


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