Hello all,

As CTO of wengo, I feel I should intervene in this thread to avoid letting people mis-interpret the recent evolutions.

Wengo is the current "Benevolent dictator" of the openwengo project. We have invisted a lot of time, money, and most of all energy in this projet to make it a real alternative to proprietary voip solutions.

After 3 years, I think that
* wengophone 2.1 is mature and stable on all 3 platforms
* wengophone 2.2 is near completion and allows easy re-branding for anyone who needs it * The CoIP manager / python QT version is a major breakthrough in the engeneering of a plugin based, skinnable, brandable communication platform * phapi/wifo is the most advanced and agile SIP stack for easy network interoperability and firewall/nat traversal

Great work has been done by all the parties involved and I am proud of this result.

Recently, a shift in wengo's business model has lead me :
- to maintain my interest and belief in the openwengo community, which is a mature and nearly adult community - to not be able to pay with real money some of the community members, which has an impact on their short-term involvment, and on the short-term responsiveness of the community

As Dave said, we are currently solving this difficulty and the new year will give one more brightful year to our community !

The technical focus stays on the release of WengoPhone 2.2.


Dave Neary wrote:
Hi all,

Aurélien: Thanks for letting people know what's happening. It's been
very difficult for me to keep silence on this issue over the past few
weeks (for reasons which I hope will become clear soon).

I'm heading home for the Christmas holidays right now, but I just wanted
to reassure everyone that I hope to have an announcement about the
project when I return in mid January. Sorry to be so enigmatic, I really
can't say much else right now.

Let me just say that ensuring that the project was in a state where the
withdrawl of Wengo would not be the end of the project was my primary
goal for this year, and I believe that I've achieved that. This project
will continue, and I have full confidence in this community to overcome
this difficult time.

The first priority, in my opinion, is the stabilisation of the code for
the 2.2 release. Then we will need to make a decision on what comes next
- specifically, in relation to CoIP Manager and the feature set for WP 3.0.


Aurélien Gâteau wrote:

You probably noticed development on the WengoPhone has considerably slowed down those days, to the point were it looks frozen.

There is a reason for that situation.

You may have realized that Wengo has switched to another activity in the last months. If you visit http://wengo.com you won't find any reference to the WengoPhone product. Wengo is now focusing on creating an online knowledge market place.

For a while the company has been able to financially support both the marketplace and WengoPhone activities, but it's not the case anymore. For financial reasons, Wengo had to stop the WengoPhone activity. As a result, all OpenWengo community members working for Wengo on the WengoPhone had to leave the company.

A few of us considered creating our own company to continue the WengoPhone activity, but it didn't work out for different reasons.

I think it was about time to let you know about that sad situation.

As far as I am concerned, I currently lack the motivation to go on and continue contributing to this project. I learnt to never say never though, so I am not saying I won't come back. Just not for now.

In case you are interested, this means I am available for hire. We can discuss this privately if you want to.

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