Nils Kneuper wrote:

Since UTBS is playing by far later than everything else in wesnoth,
why should there not be some "religious" in that time?

I think the idea was not having Wesnoth (the world) without religion but rather Wesnoth (the game) to avoid hurting religious feelings of any group of people. Of course, some christian mythology already entered (holy Paladin and friends) and AFAIK "Naga" is the most holy creature for the laotian religion. So those might already feel mistreated by their current usage. If you look at the current "discussion" about caricature over muslime symbols, I consider this a very wise approach. Instead of trying to find a border up to which religious content is acceptable, we should try to keep everything related to real religions out as much as possible. Otherwise some people may feel offended because their border is more narrow. On the example of utbs - AFAIK it defines a religion completely unrelated to existing ones, so this shouldn't hurt any feelings. That it's an elven and not a human religion is probably usefull as well, less potential for conflict IMHO.

Bye David

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