Hi everyone!
Today we did finish migrating the mainlinecampaigns. Most unitimages
are also sorted into racespecific folders, too. The tutorial was also
"reorganised" and now has one folder only for itself with all the
stuff it needs (including units and images).
You will probably come across various bugs after that move. Please fix
or report them when you see any missing images or problems like this.
Now that moving is done two things did greatly improve:
1) It now is very easy to make the wesnoth build more modular. For
example a configure parameter like --no-campaigns is easyly possible
since only one folder does not need to be installed and that is
2) It is very easy to include a new campaign to mainline. We simply
have to add the (already existing) usercampaign into the
data/campaigns folder and we are almost done. We should also change
the place where translations are stored, but this only takes some
Now that we have such a nice structure there are several questions to
be asked:
1) Should we keep all campaigns that currently are mainline in
mainline or should we remove some?
2) Should we add new campaigns? If yes, which ones should we add?
I think we really should consider adding some campaigns. I don't know
which ones should be added and am waiting for sugestions. There should
be some simple rules before we add a campaign (please add any that I
did forget):
- The campaign is activly maintained and the maintainer is willing to
go on with maintaining the campaign once it is in mainline.
- The campaign should be fun to play.
- The campaign should be complete.
I am waiting for your comments on the things mentioned in the mail.
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

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