Okay, the version you commited does not work with translations. Here is (taking the descriptions of the Drake Flameheart as basis) what should work:

unit_description= _ "It is said that the eldest lines of drakes - the direct descendants of the dragons themselves, have veins which course with fire rather than blood. That they can breathe fire as they do lends credence to this belief, though, for some reason, no one has tried cutting one open to find out.

Special Notes:"+{SPECIAL_NOTES_LEADERSHIP 3 Flameheart}

And the special notes macro itself needs to be translateable. I don't think that it will work to put in unit names in there either. So that is how it *could* look like and work:

_"the leadership of this unit enables friendly units next to it to deal more damage in combat, though this only applies to units of lower level."#enddef

The main problem is that gettext is not able to handle WML and it's macros. So you really got to put it into translateable parts. I hope this fix will work. We can also leave out the unitsname. And thanks for your work on getting this done.
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic

PS: I think the attack specials should also get in. In my last mail I fogot to list backstab in my list of things noot listed...

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