It may already be clear to everyone, but just in case it isn't...

The reason I've been concentrating so hard on macroscope and upconvert
isn't just because I like building tools (though it's true that I do).
As a player, I want us to carry a lot more more stuff in mainline.  As
a developer, I know this is not realistic if it means we'd have to sink 
hugely many more hours into campaign-maintenance work.

So what I'm actually after, strategically speaking, is to drastically
decrease the overhead of maintainer-hours required per campaign.  The
purpose of macroscope, broadly speaking, is to automate as much sanity
checking as possible.  The purpose of upconvert, broadly speaking, is
to automate the fiddly bits of forward-porting campaigns as WML and
the resource files in mainline change.

I'm rehearsing what may be obvious because, if any of you have ideas
for more tools that would decrease maintainers' burdens, I'd like 
to hear those ideas.  

What else would make the job easier?  What other time-intensive tasks might
be mechanized?  Please speculate and brainstorm.  
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

Such are a well regulated militia, composed of the freeholders,
citizen and husbandman, who take up arms to preserve their property,
as individuals, and their rights as freemen.
        -- "M.T. Cicero", in a newspaper letter of 1788 touching the "militia" 
            referred to in the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

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