well, if I understand correctly, your tool can update the terrain WML...
can it be generalized to any WML ? (specifically I am thinking of unit WML)

can the upgrade logic be separated from the upgrade engine (to have
the main upconvert tool, plus a dozen separate file describing how to
upgrade from verion X to version X+1, ideally allowing us not to touch
upconvert when new version are released, but only a separate
description file)

more intersting to do (but harder) would be a tool to analyze
stats.wesnoth.org and raise an alert if a parameter for a given
campaign has drastically changed (sudently everybody stops at lvl4,
the number of lvl2 units at end of lvl2 has multiplied by 3 between
two releases, stuff like that)

right now stats.wesnoth.org is a great tool, but the SVG is too
complicated and long to load, making it mostly unusable...

On 4/26/07, Eric S. Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It may already be clear to everyone, but just in case it isn't...
> The reason I've been concentrating so hard on macroscope and upconvert
> isn't just because I like building tools (though it's true that I do).
> As a player, I want us to carry a lot more more stuff in mainline.  As
> a developer, I know this is not realistic if it means we'd have to sink
> hugely many more hours into campaign-maintenance work.
> So what I'm actually after, strategically speaking, is to drastically
> decrease the overhead of maintainer-hours required per campaign.  The
> purpose of macroscope, broadly speaking, is to automate as much sanity
> checking as possible.  The purpose of upconvert, broadly speaking, is
> to automate the fiddly bits of forward-porting campaigns as WML and
> the resource files in mainline change.
> I'm rehearsing what may be obvious because, if any of you have ideas
> for more tools that would decrease maintainers' burdens, I'd like
> to hear those ideas.
> What else would make the job easier?  What other time-intensive tasks might
> be mechanized?  Please speculate and brainstorm.
> --
>                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>
> Such are a well regulated militia, composed of the freeholders,
> citizen and husbandman, who take up arms to preserve their property,
> as individuals, and their rights as freemen.
>        -- "M.T. Cicero", in a newspaper letter of 1788 touching the "militia"
>            referred to in the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
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