Selon Lari Nieminen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> To allow max-level units to fullheal like all other units I'd propose
> giving them a fullheal AMLA in addition the the +3 HP one. So, when
> AMLAing you'd get to choose between fullhealing and +3 HP. Fullhealing
> wouldn't raise the XP limit for subsequent AMLAs, although it could be
> made to if that's wanted.
> The reasoning behind it would be to let max-level units fullheal
> mid-scenario like every other unit. It gives you one more tactical
> option, and remedies what can be seen as a minor RIPLIB issue.

But it would probably ruin some scenarios, making the game too easy.
Think about scenario liek the valley of death where a melee unit that too the
holy potion would probably stand forever alive against a horde of zombies...
Full healing when leveling is more or less necessary because we have a new unit
and handling the HP when leveling isn't complex that way, but still it doesn't
make a lot of sense to me.
Full healing on AMLA don't have any justification for me (except some special
units), it doesn't make sense.
I'd rather like to have not healing on levelup than full healing on general
AMLAs, but handling the HP on levelup would be a lot more complex (maybe this
will happen some day)...
Do you think it is nice that (not too much) badly hurt unit is hard to kill
because it's 1 xp to level ?
I do not.

> However, we'd need to change the necrophage's fullheal AMLA to something
> else, because the fullheal AMLA was supposed to be a specialty of the
> necrophage. Here's my suggestion:
> An ability which grants +1 HP when killing a living unit (or any unit,
> if that seems better).
> That's the same as what Ghast currently has in DiD, but it can be given
> something else instead (+1 per level of enemy killed, for instance). The
> unit seems to be commented out for the time being anyway.
> I don't see any balancing issue in MP, as max-level units appear and can
> level only with silly settings or in special scenarios. In campaigns
> using max-level units to kill things would be slightly more useful to
> do, as you'd then get the ability to fullheal in the middle of a
> scenario at some point. It might make max-level units slightly more
> versatile in long campaigns, but not too much.

Sure, such situations rarely happen in a typical 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 duel,
but it is more likely to happen in some other styles of MP games, survivals in
I don't like it.

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